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Secrets of the Furious Five《五侠的秘密》精讲之一
[ 2009-04-17 16:03 ]




Related readings:
Secrets of the Furious Five《五侠的秘密》精讲之一 Kung Fu Panda《功夫熊猫》精讲之四
Secrets of the Furious Five《五侠的秘密》精讲之一 Kung Fu Panda《功夫熊猫》精讲之三
Secrets of the Furious Five《五侠的秘密》精讲之一 Kung Fu Panda《功夫熊猫》精讲之二
Secrets of the Furious Five《五侠的秘密》精讲之一 Kung Fu Panda《功夫熊猫》精讲之一

Mantis: What's taking so long?

Po: The world moved too slow for Mantis. He was too fast for the world.

Mantis: Give me that!

Po: One day, it would get him into trouble.

Goat: A gang of crocodiles stole my village's supply of..

Mantis: Wood?

Goat: ...wool coats. And if we don't get them back, we'll...

Mantis: Look unfashionable?

Goat: ...freeze to death.

Mantis: Just as I thought. And where did these scaly savages run off to?

Goat: They went...

Mantis: West!

Goat: No, east! –

Mantis: What are you...?

Goat: Towards the... –

Mantis: Hill!

Goat: No! The island of...

Mantis: Rhinos?

Goat: Crocodile bandits!

Mantis: Crocodile bandits? East? Wool coats! I knew it! I'll need a boat.

Goat: You need to be very...

Mantis: Quick.

Goat: Careful. And take...

Mantis: A packed lunch?

Goat: This map.

Mantis: No maps!

Goat: Mantis, they...

Mantis: Won't know what hit 'em.

Goat: But traps! They're famous for setting traps.

Mantis: A trap! Why didn't anyone warn me?

Crocodile:Well, if it isn't the world-famous Mantis. Guess you were so fast you forgot to check for traps.

Mantis: How about you let me out and I'll show you how fast I can make you cry.

Crocodile:Why don't we leave you in there and see how fast you can grow old?

Po: No matter how hard he tried, Mantis could not escape.

Mantis: No matter how hard I try,I cannot escape.

Po: He could do nothing but sit and wait for something to happen. And so he waited. And waited...and waited. Until something mind-blowing happened. For the first time, the world around Mantis moved faster than he did. Forced to wait, Mantis entered a trance-like, totally awesome state of mind. Mantis had found the one thing he'd been missing. Patience and a brilliant plan.

Crocodile:Hey, Mantis! Wake up! It's time to eat. Hey, you guys? That's yucky. I think he's dead. Touch him. Poke him with something! Careful. Careful.

Po: Mantis had to summon every ounce of chi he could muster. Just to keep from laughing. The crocodiles totally fell for his amazing "staying still for a really long time" technique.


1.a gang of:一帮,一伙,一群。鳄鱼帮偷走了我们村的羊毛衣服。”来看例句:

A gang of convicts chained together. 一群罪犯被铁链锁在了一起。

A gang of criminals raided the bank. 一伙罪犯袭击了银行。

2.packed lunch:午餐,盒装饭。影片中螳螂大侠对山羊说:“拿上干粮当午饭?”

He takes a packed lunch to work every day. 他每天带午饭上班。


I've heard that story and it's really mind-blowing. 我听过那个故事,真的很震撼人心啊。

I've got plenty of other mind-blowing ideas.我还有很多很好的点子。


yucky school dinners 学校里难吃的饭菜

5.every ounce of:每一分精力,力气。影片中说:螳螂大侠运用了所有的内力才能不笑出来。

They expended every ounce of energy.他们消耗了每一分精力。

6.fall for: 上...的当。鳄鱼们完全被他的“坐禅入定”的招术骗到了。

Don't fall for it! 别上当!

Don't fall for such nonsense. 别听信这种胡说八道。



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