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Secrets of the Furious Five《五侠的秘密》精讲之二
[ 2009-04-21 09:30 ]





Related readings:
Secrets of the Furious Five《五侠的秘密》精讲之二 Kung Fu Panda《功夫熊猫》精讲之四
Secrets of the Furious Five《五侠的秘密》精讲之二 Kung Fu Panda《功夫熊猫》精讲之三
Secrets of the Furious Five《五侠的秘密》精讲之二 Kung Fu Panda《功夫熊猫》精讲之二
Secrets of the Furious Five《五侠的秘密》精讲之二 Kung Fu Panda《功夫熊猫》精讲之一

Gorilla: Cower now, old snake. Your town will soon tremble beneath my mighty fist.

Viper: Not if I defeat you now, with the awe-inspiring awesomeness of my poison fang technique!

Gorilla: Then bite me, oh fanged one!

For his poison fang was invincible!

Gorilla: My poison-proof armor defies your fabled fangs!

Little Viper: Father!

Po: Viper had no idea what she would do. But one thing she did know...

Little Viper: No one beats up my daddy!

Gorilla: A little snake with pretty ribbons? What? Are you gonna dance for me?

Little Viper: If it'll make you happy. Let's dance! I don't have to bite you to bite! Too bad your fists aren't as fast as your mouth. My deceptive dancing defies your poison-proof armor.

Po: The great master marveled at this little snake with no venom who had learned to dance to make her father smile. And so she had. That night, Viper found courage, a power far more potent than venom.

Po: What? What's with the sad faces? Viper's totally awesome.

Bunny A: Yeah. But she was so cool.We're just bunnies.

Bunny B:We're not like Viper.

Po: No, you're not. That's just the point!Crane wasn't cool, either. Twenty years ago, the best students from all of China studied at the famed Lee Da Kung Fu Academy. And the best of the best was May Ling. She was a total knockout. Crane was there too, As the janitor.

Ox: Crane! New student tryouts are next week.

Crane: Really?

Po: Crane longed to be one of the students. So this place needs to be ready. But he thought he was too skinny.


1.defy: 对抗,使不能。影片中大猩猩对灵蛇说:“我的毒牙护甲破了你的毒牙神功了。”

They simply defy gravity. 他们挑战地心引力。

Feed by measure and defy physician. 饮食有节制,医生无用处。

2.beat up: 痛打。影片中小灵蛇对大猩猩说:“谁也不能打我爸爸!”,来看例句:

You gonna beat up everybody ?你要毒打每一个人?


She is a real knockout.她是个大美人。


the Olympic tryout 奥运会选拔赛



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