People watch an installation entitled 'Maison tombée du ciel' as part of Lille's Fantastic Festival. Photo: Philippe Huguen/AFP.
The Fantastic Festival in Lille lasts from October to January, and gives visitors a taste of the supernatural. People visiting the city can encounter a flying saucer, bones from a mythical animal and a house that appears to have fallen out of the sky.
当我们说某人 brings the house down, 这就是说观众给他热烈的掌声和支持。
I went to see Lady Gaga in concert last night - she really brought the house down.
The magician really brought the house down when he sawed his assistant in half!
David brought the house down at the party by telling some really funny jokes.
如果你得到的东西是 on the house, 那就是东家免费赠送的。
You're one of our best customers - have this coffee on the house!