
英国使馆文化教育处 2015-11-02 10:45


英国文化协会和“GREAT英国”推广活动组委会10月29日在伦敦宣布将在全球推出“永恒的莎士比亚”纪念活动(Shakespeare Lives),活动从2016年1月开始,持续一整年,以纪念莎士比亚的伟大作品和深远影响。

Alan Cumming in the National Theatre of Scotland’s one-man production of Macbeth. © Photo by Eoin Carey.


- 与英国电影协会合作,从英国影协资料库中选取20部根据莎翁作品改编的经典电影,在全球巡回放映,这将成为有史以来英国文化协会组织的规模最大的巡映活动,选择的影片包括:《沉默的莎士比亚》、劳伦斯•奥利弗(Laurence Olivier)主演的《哈姆雷特》(1948年)、泽菲雷里版执导的《罗密欧与朱丽叶》(1968年)以及理查德•隆克瑞恩(Richard Loncraine)执导、伊恩•麦凯伦(Ian McKellen)主演的《理查三世》(1995年),麦凯伦还将领衔4月开始的英国电影协会莎士比亚电影季。

- 为各年龄段的英语学习者全新制作的互动式学习材料,包括与莎士比亚出生地基金会联合制作的在线公开课(MOOC),尝试将莎士比亚搬上FutureLearn网上学习平台。这个公开课已经可以开始注册,2016年1月11日开始,为期六周。

- 2016年1月在中国发布以《第十二夜》为主题的大型数字活动,支持英国海外志愿服务社(VSO)的儿童教育筹款工作。

- 英国文化协会和英国广播公司艺术频道将携手其他重要文化机构,为全球观众呈现当代英国演绎的莎士比亚作品,其中包括2016年4月23日举行“莎士比亚日(Shakespeare Day Live)”在线活动以及在网上举行为期6个月的“永恒的莎士比亚”系列活动。

- 与皇家莎士比亚剧团合作,为中小学专门制作莎翁专辑。专辑借用莎士比亚的戏剧情节和笔下的人物开展关于包括领导力和权利、文化认同、公平和正义的讨论。专辑中还包括皇家莎士比亚剧团的演出视频,将分发给英国的3.2万所中小学和世界各地的10万所中小学学生赏析。

- “英国国家剧院现场”莎士比亚作品影片也将向全球观众,同时还将放映一批备受赞誉、颇具开拓性的当代莎士比亚作品影片,这其中就包括由玛克辛•皮克(Maxine Peake)主演、曼彻斯特皇家交易所剧场版《哈姆雷特》的全球首映式。

- 挑选英国创意领域的新锐艺术家,如维多利亚•莫杰斯塔(ViktoriaModesta)、大卫•威尔逊(David Wilson)以及一些SBTV与英国格莱美获奖艺术家,请他们制作短片阐述自己最喜爱的经典莎士比亚作品情节,启发世界各地的年轻人探索莎翁作品并激励他们制作短片参加网上竞赛,展现自己对莎士比亚作品的理解。这些影片将在线上播放,有望在2016年的各类电影节上展映;

- 当代文学界的领军人物将撰写一系列文章,探讨莎士比亚持久不衰的重要意义,及其与当代和未来世界的关联性;

- 与莎士比亚环球剧院、英国文学翻译中心以及诺奇威作家中心合作,召集一批翻译家、作家、演员、导演和学者在世界各地举办一系列文学翻译研讨会,探讨在莎士比亚戏剧和诗歌作品翻译的复杂性以及在翻译过程中遇到的文化和语言挑战;

- 其他活动还包括:邀请知名英国和海外诗人用全新的方式解读莎士比亚的十四行诗;梅拉•沙尔(Meera Syal)和史蒂文•伯克夫(Steven Berkoff)出席阿联酋文学节;蒂姆•克劳奇(Tim Crouch)前往马来西亚和新西兰参加演出活动;莎士比亚街舞剧团在苏丹、博茨瓦纳、津巴布韦和埃塞俄比亚开展包括讲习班、现场表演和职业发展项目等系列活动;格里伊剧团和孟加拉国达卡剧团通过残疾人长期培训计划将新编《罗密欧与朱丽叶》搬上舞台;跨文化表演团团体特拉诺剧团将在贝尔法斯特的泰坦尼克号码头上演《贝尔法斯特暴风雨》,演员来自世界各地,演出阵容超过200人。


Shakespeare Lives in 2016

The British Council and the GREAT Britain campaign announced Shakespeare Lives, a global programme celebrating Shakespeare’s work and influence which will run from January to December 2016.

Major highlights in the programme include:

• A global touring programme in association with the BFI, the largest ever organized by the British Council, of twenty great interpretations of Shakespeare's works for the cinema from the BFI National Archive, including Silent Shakespeare, Laurence Olivier’s Hamlet (1948), Zeffirelli’s Romeo and Juliet (1968) and Richard Loncraine‎'s Richard III (1995) starring Ian McKellen, who is also spearheading the BFI’s Shakespeare on Film season starting in April.

• New interactive materials for English language learners of all ages, including a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) with the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust, exploring the relevance of Shakespeare on the FutureLearn platform;

• A large scale digital campaign launched in China on Twelfth Night in January 2016 to support VSO’s fundraising for their work in education;

• The British Council and BBC Arts are collaborating with key cultural partners to showcase the best of modern British Shakespeare for international audiences. This includes an online ‘Shakespeare Day Live’ on 23 April 2016 and a six month ‘Shakespeare Lives’ online festival;

• A schools pack created in collaboration with the Royal Shakespeare Company and. The pack will explore themes of global citizenship through Shakespeare’s plays and characters such as leadership and power, identity, equality and justice. Distributed to 32,000 schools in the UK and 100,000 schools worldwide with access to video clips from RSC performances;

• National Theatre Live Shakespeare films will also be made available globally alongside screenings of historically-acclaimed and ground-breaking contemporary Shakespeare productions, including the international premiere of the film of Manchester Royal Exchange Theatre’s Hamlet starring Maxine Peake.

• Commissions from cutting-edge artists from the UK’s creative sector including ViktoriaModesta, David Wilson and a collaboration with SBTV and UK grime artists who will create their own personal responses to popular Shakespeare moments to inspire young audiences globally to explore his work and enter a creative competition to submit their own response to Shakespeare. These films will be available to view online as well as potentially being showcased at film festivals throughout the year;

• A series of essays written by leading contemporary figures will explore Shakespeare’s enduring importance and relevance today and for future generations;

• A series of literary translation workshops around the world in partnership with Shakespeare’s Globe, the British Centre for Literary Translation and Writers’ Centre Norwich which bring together translators, writers, actors, directors and academics to explore the cultural and linguistic challenges and complexities of translating Shakespeare’s plays and poetry.

• Other initiatives include leading UK and international poets invited to respond to Shakespeare’s sonnets in new ways; Meera Syal and Steven Berkoff at the Emirates Literature Festival in UAE; Tim Crouch in Malaysia and New Zealand; The Hip-hop Shakespeare Company delivering a series of workshop tours, live performances and professional development programmes across Sudan, Botswana, Zimbabwe and Ethiopia; a new production of Romeo and Juliet created by Graeae Theatre Company and Dhaka Theatre, Bangladesh, through a long-term training programme with disabled adults; and intercultural theatre company Terra Nova Productions performing The Belfast Tempest at the Titanic Docks in Belfast with an international cast of over 200.

For programme details visit the Shakespeare Lives global site.




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