经济危机 economic crisis/ financial crisis/ financial turmoil/financial meltdown
经济不景气 recession/ bleeding economy/ depression/sluggish economy
萧条期 slump
失业 lose one’s job/ be unemployed/ be redundant
失业加剧 job losses mount/ unemployment climb
失业人数 jobless number
找工作 seek employment
找工作者 job seeker
严峻的就业形势 a tough job market
欠薪 withhold wage
减薪 salary cut
信心下滑 confidence slump
经济复苏 economic recovery
经济危机的影响 the crisis' fallout
应对危机 face the crisis/ meet the crisis/ fight crisis
重建信心 confidence reconstruction
遏制衰退 containing declines
减缓衰退 slow down declines
安居工程 affordable/comfortable housing project
安置职工 staffing
成本削减 cost-cutting
创造新的就业 generate new employment
刺激消费 stimulate consumer spending
恢复 revive/ recovery/ turnaround
积极的财政政策 proactive fiscal policy
减少裁员 refrain from laying off employees
减员 cut the salaried work force
结构调整 structural adjustment
经济刺激方案 stimulus package/ stimulus plan
就业指导 career guidance
抗风险能力 anti-risk capability
扩大内需 propel/ drive/ expand domestic demand
基础设施建设 infrastructure construction
减免税收 tax relief
例行节约 practice economy
适度宽松的货币政策 moderately loose monetary policy
削减生产 slash production
消费券 consumption coupon
小额贷款 loans of small amounts
政府紧急援助 government bailout
政府做某事的决心 government’s vow to do sth.
中小型企业 SMEs