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摩纳哥亲王大婚 迎娶南非“美人鱼”
Crowds cheer Monaco's Prince Albert and new bride

[ 2011-07-05 09:09]     字号 [] [] []  
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摩纳哥亲王大婚 迎娶南非“美人鱼”

Monaco's Prince Albert II (L) and Princess Charlene stand at the altar in front of a priest during their religious wedding ceremony at the Palace in Monaco July 2, 2011.(Agencies)

Click for more photos of the wedding

With a wink and a smile, Monaco's ruler Prince Albert married South African swimmer Charlene Wittstock on Saturday in a ceremony attended by a who's who of European royalty and the international elite.

The 53-year-old married Wittstock, 33, in the courtyard of his palace at the foot of a vast white-marble double staircase lined with white flowers. Some 3,500 guests sat outside to watch the service on giant TV screens.

Albert's sisters, Princesses Caroline and Stephanie, both dressed in pink, smiled as they watched the couple marry in front of a crowd that included French President Nicolas Sarkozy, Chanel designer Karl Lagerfeld and opera singer Renee Fleming.

The long white train of Wittstock's Giorgio Armani duchess satin gown, encrusted with thousands of tiny crystals, spilled over the red carpet. The groom wore the white dress uniform of Monaco's Carabinieri royal guard.

"It was very elegant, very moving," supermodel Naomi Campbell, in a one-shouldered pale green dress, told TFI television.

After they exchanged vows, Albert winked at his bride, who smiled shyly. Sitting on red velvet chairs, they held hands as a South African singer sang the Click Song, made famous by the late Miriam Makeba.

The wedding is the first of a ruling prince in Monaco since Albert's father, Prince Rainier III, married Hollywood star Grace Kelly in 1956. Rainier transformed Monaco from a faded gambling center into a billionaires' haven, using his marriage to Kelly to infuse the tiny principality with film-star glamour.

Her death in a car crash in 1982 revived talk of the legendary 13th-century curse of his dynasty -- the Grimaldis -- that has haunted his family during its seven centuries of rule. According to legend, a Flemish woman raped by a Grimaldi cursed the family for eternity never to find happiness in marriage.

Caroline and Stephanie have had a series of high-profile and disastrous marriages. Albert himself has been linked with a succession of models and actresses, and has admitted to fathering two illegitimate children.

Just days ago, rumors of discontent threatened to mar the festivities. The palace strongly denied a report in the French weekly L'Express that Wittstock tried to skip town on a one-way flight to South Africa, and that it took "infinite persuasion" by the prince and his entourage to change her mind.

(Read by Renee Haines. Renee Haines is a journalist at the China Daily Website.)







宣誓结束后,阿尔贝二世亲王向腼腆微笑的新娘使眼色示意。伴随着南非歌手的一曲Click Song,他们手挽手坐上红色天鹅绒椅上。该歌曲经已故歌手米瑞安•马卡贝演唱后走红。












王室成员美女榜 凯特挤走戴安娜排第三

(中国日报网英语点津 实习生史莉萍 编辑:Julie)


who's who: the outstanding or influential persons in a community, industry, profession, or other group(名人的总称,名人录)

train: something drawn along, such as the long back section of a dress that trails along the floor behind the wearer(拖裾,裙裾,长礼服的曳地部分)

principality: 公国,侯国

illegitimate: 私生的


entourage: (统称)随行人员,随从





