Xi is also open-minded and never stops learning from ordinary people and those with expertise. During his visit to Guangzhou, capital of Guangdong Province, he talked with government officials and corporate managers to prepare for the central economic work conference which was held shortly afterward. At the end of 2012, he visited leaders of non-Communist parties and the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce to discuss ways to improve the system of multiparty cooperation and political consultation under the leadership of the CPC. For the past four months, Xi has chaired four group study sessions for the members of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee. He sought opinions and suggestions from experts and officials from various departments on issues pertaining to the Party and the country. Turning 60 years old this year, Xi is at an age when a person can be more tolerant of criticism, according to traditional Chinese wisdom. He also asked CPC members to be more tolerant of sharp criticism. He has asked CPC organizations at all levels to accept comments and supervision from the public in order to improve their work. "We should let the people see the tangible changes and results of our work," Xi said.
他注重广开言路,听取民声,虚心拜人民为师,虚心向内行请教。 在广州调研时,他专门召开座谈会,与广东省、市、区、镇四级政府和国有、民营、合资、独资企业的负责人深入交流,为开好中央经济工作会议听取各方意见。 与中国各民主党派亲密合作、肝胆相照,是中国共产党的优良传统。去年底,习近平利用3个半天的时间,走访了各民主党派中央和全国工商联,共商巩固和发展爱国统一战线、坚持和完善中国共产党领导的多党合作和政治协商制度的大计。对于大家提出的意见和建议,“总书记当场就给予答复,而且表示要推动,从这能看出中共中央对民主党派意见的重视和尊重。”在场的一位民主党派人士说。 4个月来,习近平主持了4次中共中央政治局集体学习,先后邀请了多个部门、多个领域的专家和有关负责同志,就事关党和国家工作全局的重大问题听取意见建议。 1953年出生的习近平,今年也将步入人生的耳顺之年。这位中国党和国家的最高领导人也要求全党能听逆耳之言,“要容得下尖锐批评”。他深深懂得:“要以人民满意为标准。要广泛听取群众意见和建议,自觉接受群众评议和社会监督。群众不满意的地方就要及时整改。”“让人民群众不断看到实实在在的成效和变化”。