China National Committee on Aging (CNCA) and the Ministry of Public Security on Wednesday issued a guideline to help elderly people avoid fraud.
《中国老年人防诈骗指南》即guideline to help elderly people avoid fraud,防诈骗指南包括40个防骗案例和“防骗六招”:戒除贪婪心理(give up greed),抵制虚荣心理(resist vanity),强化警戒心理(strengthen awareness),正规途径办事(handle problems through official channels),常与亲友沟通(keep regular communication with friends),讲科学勤学习(adopt a reasonable approach and open mind)。
全国老龄办表示,老年人易上当受骗是因为自身防范意识下降(diminished sense of caution)和骗术不断翻新(the constantly changing nature of scams)。目前我国城乡老年家庭空巢率(rate of empty nest)超过50%以上,许多老年人独居空巢,易被骗子蛊惑。
(中国日报网英语点津 刘秀红)