The Education Ministry on Tuesday took a critical step in its initiative to reform the college entrance exam system, aiming to reverse exam-oriented education to help fuel future growth. According to the ministry, university entrance will no longer be solely determined by students' Gaokao score and change the situation of evaluating students based on scores alone.
“唯分数论”即只注重考试成绩,我们可以用focus only on scores或者 based on scores alone 来表示。此次改革教育部旨在take focus off score results(不再只关注分数)。
《关于加强和改进普通高中学生综合素质评价的意见》指出,除了考试分数,将根据学生morality standards(道德品质), physical health(身体健康), art cultivation (艺术素养),social practice(社会实践)等方面进行评价。此外,学生未来将由unified examination(统考)变成从思想政治、历史、地理、物理、化学、生物等科目中自主选择3个科目考试。
1977年中国恢复了Gaokao system(高考制度),高考一直以来被称为single-plank bridge (独木桥)。在exam-oriented education system(应试教育制度)的指导下,学生容易成长为professional test-takers(专业的“考试机器”),忙于应付homework loads(课业负担)。而学校老师甚至是家长易用成绩评价学生,因此,此次改革意义重大。
(中国日报网英语点津 刘秀红)