乔治克鲁尼再度获选“最性感男人” [ 2006-11-16 09:53 ]
相隔9年之久,影星乔治·克鲁尼再度获选《人物》杂志“最性感男人”称号,成为本周出刊的特辑封面人物。他上一次获得此殊荣是在1997年,由此可见,45岁的乔治宝刀未老,魅力丝毫不减当年。据报,乔治·克鲁尼梅开二度,这使得他与好莱坞当红影星布拉德·皮特势均力敌,两人都成为获得《人物》两次风光殊荣的性感男星。 |
George Clooney has been named the "sexiest man alive" — for
the second time — by People magazine. |
George Clooney has been named the "sexiest man alive" — for the second
time — by People magazine.
The 45-year-old actor is pictured on the
cover of People's annual issue, on newsstands Friday. Clooney, who first
took the title in 1997, is now tied
with his good friend Brad Pitt.
"This is one that's going to be hard for Brad since he's been `sexiest
man alive' twice," Clooney tells the magazine. "I'd say `sexiest man
alive' to him and he'd go, `two-time.' So that's been taken away."
"Brad's been working out a lot," he adds. "After `Troy,' he thought
he'd be named it a third time — pull the hat
trick, as we called it. But for me, I'll tell him, `This
is my last hurrah.'"
People's "sexiest man alive" list began in 1985 with Mel Gibson. Others
on the list: Tom Cruise (1990), Pitt (1995 and 2000), Denzel Washington
(1996) and Jude Law (2004).
The magazine also names 12 "men of the year," including Pitt, Jamie
Foxx, Patrick Dempsey, Matt Damon, Justin Timberlake and Daniel Craig.
Clooney won a best supporting
actor Oscar this year for his role in "Syriana." He'll
next be seen opposite Cate Blanchett in "The Good German," slated for
release Dec. 22.
He tells People that his celebrity dream date is Sophia Loren.
"Oh my god. I met her in Milan," Clooney says. "She's unbelievably
beautiful, unbelievably fun."
(Agencies) |
be tied with: 与…打成平手
trick: “帽子戏法”,源于板球,文中指“第三次获‘最性感男人’称号”
supporting actor:
(英语点津陈蓓编辑) | |