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一周热词榜,一网打尽trending news。新一期热词回顾出炉了。
1. 我国拟'特赦'4类服刑犯
2. '女仪仗兵'将首次受阅
3. 教育要避免'下沉螺旋'
4. 两岸协议防'双重课税'
5. 凉菜'拍黄瓜'火到纽约
6. 安徽公园推'奶瓶喂鱼'
7. 英美对'色情报复'立法
1. 特赦
special amnesty
Four categories of inmates who were sentenced before Jan 1 this year and who do not pose a threat to society will be granted the special amnesty.
在纪念中国人民抗日战争暨世界反法西斯战争胜利70周年之际,全国人大常委会审议了关于特赦部分服刑罪犯的决定草案。Amnesty是"大赦,赦免"的意思,special amnesty即"特赦"。特赦是国家对某些犯罪或者特定的犯罪人免除刑罚(free of criminal charge)的措施。
参加过保卫国家主权(national sovereignty)、安全和领土完整(territorial integrity)对外作战的服刑罪犯,但对贪污受贿、暴力犯罪、危害国安及涉恐、涉黑等的主犯(principal criminals)以及累犯(repeat offenders)不予特赦;
年满75周岁、身体严重残疾(serious physical disabilities)且生活不能自理(cannot live on their own)的服刑罪犯;
犯罪的时候不满18周岁,被判处三年以下有期徒刑或者剩余刑期在一年以下的服刑罪犯,但犯故意杀人(intentional homicide)、强奸、贩毒等严重罪行(serious crimes)的除外。
中国人民抗日战争 Chinese People's War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression
中国人民解放战争 the Chinese War of Liberation
抗美援朝战争 the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea
2. 女仪仗兵
female honor guard
Chinese female guards of honor will for the first time attend the military parade to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the victory of the Chinese People's War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression on Sept 3.
军方人士称,陆、海、空三军共51名女仪仗队员(female guards of honor)将按每列17人(17 in each line)的队形,与156名男仪仗队员(male honor guards)一起行进。女仪仗队员平均年龄20岁,平均身高1.78米,本科(bachelor's degree)及以上学历达88%。
自6月以来,她们每天训练至少8个小时,通常都是在烈日下(under an intense sun)走方阵,直到她们的行动完全整齐划一。军医(army physicians)一天24小时待命,因为她们的身体面临着巨大挑战(immense physical challenge)。
有报道称,因为高强度的训练,这些女仪仗兵一个月就会穿坏一双马靴(wear out a pair of riding boots)。
Victory Day 胜利日
traffic control 交通管制
military parade 阅兵式
rehearsal of military parade 阅兵演练
3. 下沉螺旋
downward spiral
Fewer and fewer rural students are being admitted by the top universities. This trend means there's a "downward spiral" in rural areas.
近日,《人民日报》发表文章,称"出身越底层(the poorer the families are),上的学校越差(the more difficult it is for their children to get into a good school or college),找的工作越差(the harder it is for them to get a decent job)"的"下沉螺旋(downward spiral)"现象已然存在。
该报称,一旦这种现象成为一种普遍性趋势,则不但个体的命运将难以通过自身努力来改变,对于国家发展(national development)和社会进步(social progress)来说也是极为不利的。
"下沉螺旋"英文为downward spiral,指价格不断下降或形势不断恶化,达到恶性循环、难以控制的地步。比如:
We have to avoid the downward spiral in which unemployment leads to homelessness and then to crime.
spiral staircase 螺旋楼梯
spiral notebook 螺线形笔记本
spiral-shaped corkscrew 螺旋开瓶器
4. 双重课税
double taxation
Chinese mainland and Taiwan on Tuesday signed an agreement which will avoid double taxation and enhance tax cooperation.
双重课税(double taxation),也叫重复课税,是指同一征税主体或不同征税主体对同一纳税人或不同纳税人的同一征税对象或税源所进行的两次以上的课征。举个简单的例子:对同一纳税人的财产,既要征收财产税(property tax),又要征收所得税(income tax),这就是双重课税。
Double这里是形容词,可用于双重标准(double standard)、双重性格(double character)、语义双关(double meaning)等固定搭配中。名词taxation这里是"课税、征税"之意。
stamp tax 印花税
progressive tax 累进税
capital levy 财产税
gift tax 赠与税
5. 拍黄瓜
smashed cucumbers
Smashing cucumbers for salad is a standard technique in many parts of China that is showing its trendy side in New York this summer.
美国《纽约时报》报道称,纽约餐馆都在学做拍黄瓜(smashed cucumbers),从墨西哥餐厅到美式餐厅,拍黄瓜变得随处可见。
纽约人终于发现,切片黄瓜(sliced cucumbers)表面光滑、不易入味(dressing impenetrable),调料加在上面往往会滑落。拍黄瓜则不然:它不规则的棱角(craggy edges)和粗糙的表面(rough surfaces)极易吸收调料入味(absorb flavors and form relationships)。
报道称,美国各餐厅拍黄瓜(smash cucumber)的方法各不相同,有的跟中国人学,用刀面直接拍;有的学日本人,用木锤(wooden mallet)或擀面杖(rolling pin)敲。
soy sauce 酱油
sesame paste 麻酱
sesame oil 香油
garlic 大蒜
6. 奶瓶喂鱼
to bottle-feed fish
A park in China's Anhui province has launched a new attraction, allowing visitors to bottle-feed fish as if they were babies.
据英国《每日邮报》报道,瓶子里装的并不是牛奶,而是拌在水里的鱼食(fish food dissolved in water)。瓶子绑在一根长棍(long stick)上,游客可以把长棍伸进水里(plunge their sticks into the water),送到鱼嘴边儿。也有的鱼直接把头伸出水来够食吃(poke their heads out of the water to grab the bottles)。
该报道称,很显然(apparently),该娱乐项目深受家长和孩子们的喜爱(very popular among families with small children)。还有老外在评论中称:"Looks fun! You know, weird things can be fun! (看起来太有趣了!这么说吧,奇怪的事儿可能都比较有趣!)"
婴幼儿奶瓶 baby-feeding bottle
奶嘴 nipple
7. 色情报复
revenge porn
Posting "revenge porn" will be a class A misdemeanor in the US which can come with up to $4,000 in fines and a possible year in jail.
所谓的网络"色情报复(revenge porn)",是指在未经当事人允许的情况下,将那些仍属私密的、与伴侣亲热的照片(intimate photos of a partner)放到网上进行公开。今年9月1日,德克萨斯州一项相关法律即将生效(go into effect)。该法认为网络"色情报复"有罪。
无独有偶,英国在今年2月也颁布了类似法案。在英格兰和威尔士,此类刑事犯罪最高刑期为两年(up to two years in jail)。对于"色情报复"的受害者来说,想从网上清除照片(remove the pictures from the Internet)非常困难。
take revenge on sb 报复某人
out of revenge 出于报复
porn movie 色情电影
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