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good air quality for military parade
More than 12,200 coal-fired boilers and factories in polluting industries will suspend production starting Aug 28 in a bid to get good air quality for Beijing's Sept 3 military parade by reducing polluting emissions.
为了此次纪念抗战胜利70周年阅兵的空气质量,除了让污染企业停产减排,北京还实施了机动车单双号尾号限行措施(restrict the use of vehicles whose license plates end with odd or even numbers on alternate days),这些措施有望使北京市减排量达40%。
"阅兵蓝"的说法源于去年11月初的"APEC蓝"(APEC blue),当时也是采取了一系列减排措施,包括周边城市工厂停产(suspend production by factories in neighboring cities)、北京及周边城市上路机动车减半(cut the number of motor vehicles on road by half in Beijing and neighboring cities)等。
change the development mode 转变发展方式
phase out backward production capacities 淘汰落后产能
new normal 新常态
carbon emission reduction 碳减排
energy-intensive industries 高能耗产业
major pollution source 首要污染源
effort and luck 人努力天帮忙
fight pollution with an iron hand 铁腕治污
kid endorsement
Children who found fame in live shows and made a fortune by endorsing commercial products will have to halt their early career, as their ads will be banned after Sept 1 when the new advertising law goes into effect. Under the new law, those under the age of 10 cannot be used to promote products.
这几年各种真人秀(reality show)的节目火爆各大荧屏,一些因为真人秀走红的萌娃在出名后就开始接广告赚钱(见图),不过新广告法禁止不满十周岁的孩子做广告代言人(advertising spokesperson)。
十几年前称霸屏幕的综艺节目(variety show)是文艺晚会(entertainment evening party)和访谈节目(chat show),现在一打开电视,映入眼帘的是脱口秀(talk show),智力竞赛节目(quiz show),婚姻速配节目(speed dating show),还有各种真人秀。
popular TV presenter 名嘴
fresh meat 小鲜肉
child star 童星
fashion show 时装秀
steal the show 抢镜头
insurance penetration rate
The insured losses from a series of explosions at a chemical warehouse in Tianjin on Aug 12 are likely to range from $1b to $1.5b, Fitch Ratings said in a report on Tuesday. The high insurance penetration rate in this area could make the blasts one of the most costly catastrophe claims for the Chinese insurance sector in the past few years, the report said.
保险渗透率(insurance penetration rate)指某个特定年份内,保险公司承担的保费(premium underwritten)在当年国内生产总值(GDP)中所占的比例,这其中支付的保费可能包括人寿保险(life insurance)、机动车保险(auto insurance)以及健康保险(health insurance)等。
天津港爆炸事故中,有超过8000辆汽车被损毁,因此,机动车保险理赔将是主要的一部分。天津港爆炸事故中伤亡的人员除了可以根据自己投保的保单获得赔偿以外,还会获得政府统一安排的意外险赔偿(government-supported accident insurance plan)。
为了应对低迷的市场环境,国内保险公司近两年先后推出过中秋赏月险(insurance package/policy for full moon gazing)、雾霾险(smog insurance)等吸引公众的眼球,希望通过这些新奇的保险方案吸引客户。
earthquake insurance covering houses 住房地震险
insurance premiums 保险费
insurance coverage 保险责任范围
endowment insurance 养老保险
deposit insurance system 存款保险制度
tips for tour guide
Tipping the tour guide in China, which has long been considered a source of gray income in the tourism sector, is soon to be legitimate, according to a guide on ensuring tour guides' labor rights, jointly released by the National Tourism Administration and other two ministries and commissions. It's the first time that the country has given a nod to promoting a compensation system for tour guides.
导游小费过去一直属于灰色收入(gray income),国家现在出规推广导游薪酬制(compensation system for tour guides),某种程度上有利于旅游市场(tourism market)的健康发展。然而,当前旅游市场怪象不断,"恶导游"超低价拼团、强制消费、辱骂乘客,因此不少人对给导游小费提出了质疑。
为了整顿旅游市场的秩序,现在旅游法禁止零团费(free-of-charge tours)、负团费(negative-charge tours)和强迫购物(forced shopping),前阵子还对不合理的低价旅游产品(budget travel product)进行了专项整治。
travel deposit 旅游保证金
outbound travel 出境游
backpack tour 背包游
sightseeing e-coupon景区电子门票
tourist trap 游客陷阱
the first seventh day
People held three-minute silence and sirens sounded Tuesday at a ceremony to mark the seventh day since the blasts rocked a warehouse storing hazardous chemicals in Tianjin Binhai New Area.
这次爆炸事故已经造成上百人遇难,经查明,事发仓库存储了约3000吨高危化学品(highly hazardous chemicals)。8月18日,也就是事故发生的"头七"那天,许多民众自发前往滨海开发区参加天津"8·12"事故遇难者悼念仪式(memorial service)。
"头七"是一种中华民族的丧殡习俗。习惯上认为"头七"指的是人去世后的第七日。一般都认为,死者魂魄(spirit)会于"头七"返家,家人应该于魂魄回来前,给死者魂魄预备一顿饭,之后必须回避,以免影响他投胎再世为人(be reincarnated in a new body)。
ancestor worship 祭祖
joss paper 纸钱
visit the grave上坟
shroud 寿衣
keep vigil beside the coffin 守灵
personal investable assets
Personal investable assets are expected to grow by 13% annually to reach RMB196 trillion in the next five years.
根据新发布的数据,高净值资产家庭(high-net-worth families)数量五年内预计每年增长11%。个人财富(private wealth)的快速增长得益于各方面因素,包括GDP的高速增长(high GDP growth)、人口红利(demographic dividend)和过去三年资本市场(capital market)的快速发展。
tangible property 有形资产
fixed assets 固定资产
State-owned assets 国有资产
liquid assets 流动资产
general assets 资产总额
postpartum grooming
A growing number of women are booking hairstylists and makeup artists to come to their hospital room for postpartum grooming, typically with the first photographs of mother and child in mind.
产后做造型的兴起和英国王妃凯特•米德尔顿有很大关联。今年凯特王妃诞下小公主后几个小时就出现在公众面前,头发轻盈柔顺,妆容精致,看上去一点也不像刚生完孩子,倒像是气定神闲地出席了一次宴会,令无数女人心生羡慕(见图)。现在英国提供上门理发(to-go hair)和化妆预约(makeup appointments)服务的网站很火爆,很多都是为产后母亲服务的。
现在很多孕妇为了顺利生产,在预产期前几个月会去做产前瑜伽(prenatal yoga)。宝宝满月时,不少家庭会预约理发师上门给宝宝理胎发(shave fetal hair),制成胎毛笔(baby hair brush)。
natural labour 顺产
cesarean birth 剖腹产
maternity dress 孕妇装
parent-child outfit 亲子装
confinement in childbirth 坐月子
postpartum depression 产后抑郁
breast pump 吸奶器
breast feeding 母乳喂养
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