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Mad Max: Fury Road
导演:乔治·米勒(George Miller)
With Mad Max: Fury Road, George Miller dialed up the modern blockbuster to full blast. A cohesive vision with a structured journey built around themes of survival and endurance, the fourth entry in the dystopian franchise showcased what is otherwise the narrative and thematic drought within the Hollywood blockbuster machine. Without resorting to cheap cynicism and faux-grittiness, Miller zeroes in on the sensuality of the environments, the carefully crafted machines and scorched landscapes.
– Justine A Smith, Freelance, Canada
Synecdoche, New York
导演:查理·考夫曼(Charlie Kaufman)
Synecdoche, New York is every deep-seated fear you've ever had, writ large: you've disappointed your spouse and failed your children, you've let your loved ones die lonely, excruciating deaths, and you'll never complete the work you were put here to do because you, too, will reach the end before you know it. And that, paradoxically, is what makes it so affirming. Kaufman's masterpiece isn't joyful, but it's bursting at the seams with wild ambition and brimming with empathy. It's a reminder that even at our lowest and darkest, we are not alone.
– Angie Han, Slashfilm, US
The Grand Budapest Hotel
导演:韦斯·安德森(Wes Anderson)
The Grand Budapest Hotel is the 21st Century's farewell salute to the century before. It vaults backwards in time from today to 1985 to 1968 to 1932. We know Gustave's immaculate world is ticking towards destruction, first by war, then by decades of neglect. Inevitably, the lazy and impersonal present will win, mass-producing not just our hotels, but our cinemas and the blockbusters on their screens. Wes Anderson has spent his career fussing over wallpapers. The Grand Budapest Hotel ennobles his craftsmanship.
– Amy Nicholson, MTV, US
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