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Lost in Translation
导演:索菲亚·科波拉(Sofia Coppola)
Please stop trying to figure out what Bill Murray says to Scarlett Johansson at the end of Sofia Coppola's beautiful and ineffably bittersweet second film; the words don't matter, and the moment is only so powerful because you can't hear them. It's this brief encounter on the streets of Shinjuku — this last goodbye between a dislocated young philosophy grad and a disenchanted old movie star — that solidifies Lost in Translation as her most perfect film, the one that best articulates how it can be to find yourself in a world that seldom lets you forget where you are.
– David Ehrlich, Indiewire, US
导演:迈克尔·哈内克(Michael Haneke)
Daniel Auteuil and Juliette Binoche star as a bourgeois Parisian couple that start to receive disturbing video tapes showing their home. Who is watching them? And what is actually revealed on those tapes? As soon as you realise that the true revelation lies in the couple's reaction to the tapes, things start to dissolve. Interior and exterior conflict, individual and collective guilt become one.
– Hannah Pilarczyk, Der Spiegel, Germany
The Master
导演:保罗·托马斯·安德森(Paul Thomas Anderson)
Paul Thomas Anderson's ambitious, powerful and ultimately elegiac masterpiece centres on the question of whether man is, in fact, an animal. Tormented alcoholic Freddie Quell returns from World War Two and struggles, unsuccessfully, to conform to post-war America's social evolution.
Eventually he finds some sort of deliverance in the company and teachings of the leader of an urban cult, Lancaster Dodd. Much has been made of the analogies between Scientology and Dodd's cause, but the real point of the film is an exploration of thought and consciousness, and whether submission to belief systems can genuinely tame atavism.
– Ali Arikan, Dipnot TV, Turkey
导演:克里斯托弗·诺兰(Christopher Nolan)
Christopher Nolan's Memento, an airtight puzzle of a movie about a man who can't form new memories searching for his wife's killer, set a standard for narrative sophistication that few mainstream films have tried to duplicate. The film forces us to consider the unreliability of human memory and our tendency toward self-deception, even as it thrills us with a captivating crime-noir story. An existential tragedy masquerading as a twisty bit of pulp fiction? Unforgettable.
– Eric D Snider, Freelance, US
(来源:中国日报网双语新闻微信 编辑:左卓 祝兴媛 丹妮)
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