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马修·麦康纳(Matthew McConaughey)为剧院老板巴斯特(Buster Moon)——一只考拉配音,这家剧院是他父亲建立的,曾经十分辉煌,但现在门庭冷落。为了重振剧院,考拉经理决定举办一场全世界最伟大的歌唱大赛,冠军将获得10万美元的奖金!
瑞茜·威瑟斯彭(Reese Witherspoon)配音的猪妈妈罗茜塔(Rosita),她年轻时一直有音乐梦想,后来一窝生了25只猪仔后梦想就烟消云散了。如今她参赛一方面是为圆梦,另一方面也是因为经济上入不敷出。
斯嘉丽·约翰逊(Scarlett Johansson)配音的少女豪猪艾什(Ash),她和男友建立了一个庞克摇滚乐队,但男友总是打击她,让她觉得自己没有音乐才华。如今她要摆脱傲慢的男友,开始自己的单飞事业。
塞斯·麦克法兰(Seth MacFarlane)配音的老鼠歌手麦克(Mike),他有着辛纳特拉的动听歌喉,但心机很深,无时无刻不在利用遇到的每个人。
托瑞·凯利(Tori Kelly)配音的小象米纳(Meena),胆子很小,有舞台恐惧症。
塔伦·埃格顿(Taron Egerton)配音的年轻大猩猩强尼(Johnny),父亲一心想让他继承自己家族的黑帮事业,但他不愿子承父业,只想唱歌。
约翰·C·莱利(John C. Reilly)为考拉老板最好的朋友黑绵羊艾迪(Eddie)配音,他不看好歌唱比赛这个主意。
《歌唱秀》由真人电影导演加斯·詹宁斯(Garth Jennings)执导,他曾拍过《银河系漫游指南》(The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy)、《兰博之子》(Son of Rambow)等片。
1. His plans to become the first koala bear in space were suddenly toast.
他希望成为第一个进入太空的考拉的梦想突然消失了。(toast: 被剥夺地位的)
2. They say their paychecks bounced. 他们说他们没拿到工钱。
3. Sorry, I get carried away. 对不起,我有点忘乎所以了。
4. Show them you ain't gonna be pushed around! 让他们看看你不是好欺负的!
5. Listen, Norman, I know it's short notice, but I could really use some help with the kids tomorrow.
6. Now you only get one shot to blow that audience away. 你只有一次机会镇住观众们。
7. Ah, talked some sense into that boyfriend of yours? 啊,做通你男朋友的工作了?
8. It's melting my eyes. 辣眼睛。
9. She's loaded. 她相当有钱。
10. We're through! 我们结束了!
11. Come on, baby, let's cut some rug. 走吧,宝贝,我们去跳舞。
12. The part where you fall flat on your face, hoho, that cracks me up every time.
13. We are set for life now, boys! 我们一辈子衣食无忧了,伙计们。
14. At least we're all in one piece. 至少我们都没事。
15. Some say he's a walking disaster. A loose cannon. 有人说他是个扫帚星。是个祸害。
16. But she's gonna chase those blues away with a song of her very own.
Crawly: Okay, that's everyone, Mr. Moon.
Moon: Phew! All right, call everyone back to stage, Miss Crawly, and let's get...
Crawly: (FEEDBACK) Ohh! Hello! Can I have everybody back to stage, please? Everyone come back to stage for selection.
Moon: Okay. Thank you, Miss Crawly.
Crawly: You're welcome, Mr. Moon.
Moon: All right. Let's see, now.
Moon: Hmm. I'll take... You guys.
Moon: And which one of you is the girl?
Ash: Ha-ha. Very funny.
Moon: "Loud and horrible, but shows promise." Welcome to the show.
Lance: (SCOFFS) Cool. I guess we could hang.
Moon: No, no. I just want her, not you.
Lance& Ash: What?
Moon: All right, the rest of the group acts, thank you so much.
Moon: Oh, don't feel bad, folks. There'll be a 10% discount on tickets for everyone!
Unchosen: Yeah, sure, thanks a lot.
Lance: (SCOFFS) Let's get out of here, Ash. Ash?
Ash: Uh, yeah. Yeah, let's go.
Moon: Okay, soloists! Johnny, Mike, Pete, Richard, Daniel and Ray. Mike! Wowza! I've got to have you in my show.
Mike: (CHUCKLING) Oh. If you insist.
Moon: And I'll take Pete.
Pete: Oh, yeah!
Moon: And one more. Let me see now.
Richard: (FARTS) Oh, my gosh. I am so sorry. (FARTS) (GASPS) What is wrong with me?
Moon: Whoo! Uh, thanks for coming, Richard.
Richard: Oh, my... Ray! Are you all right?
Richard: Just hang in there, Ray. I got you. (FARTING) Oh! Oh! Oops!
Moon: Okay, then I'll take...Daniel. Thank you, Johnny.
Moon: Daniel, can you hear me? You're in the show!
Daniel: What? Are you talking to me?
Moon: Yes. (FEEDBACK) I was saying that you are in... Oh, geez, this is gonna drive me nuts. Johnny! Get back here. You're in. Thank you, Daniel. Goodbye!
Johnny: Yes!
Moon: Okay. That's everyone on my list.
Moon: Um, wait a second. Rosita. Is Rosita still here?
Rosita: Yes! Yes, I'm here!
Moon: Rosita, Rosita, Rosita. "Great set of pipes, but boring to watch."
Rosita: (SIGHS) I knew it.
Moon: So, what should I do? I could partner you up with Gunter. Gunter! Where are you?
Gunter: Ja! Ja! This is me.
Moon: (LAUGHS) Ja! It's gonna spice things up on stage.
Rosita: Wait. You want us to sing together?
Gunter: Ja! The two of us together, you joking me? We're going to be spicy, no? (LAUGHS EXCITEDLY)
Kangaroo: That koala's a fool, Sherry-Anne! You are gonna be a star one day!
Hippo: Auditions are over, pal. Show's already been cast.
Moon: Okay. You are my chosen few.
Moon: This is it, folks! A defining moment in all of our lives! Um, no... No, no, no. Not you guys. I dismissed all of the group acts already. You can go home.
Moon: Look, I'm really sorry, but all of the slots are filled.
Moon: No, no, listen! No in show. Goodbye-bye! (MUSIC STOPS) Miss Crawly!
Crawly: Come on, you guys! Out of here. Come on. Off the stage. Thank you so much.
Mike: Hey, Moon. What's the story? Is the prize really inside this thing?
Moon: The prize? Oh, sure. Yes, it's all in there.
Mike: Open it, will ya? I wanna see what $100,000 looks like.
Johnny: Me, too!
Rosita: Yeah, go on. Open it, Mr. Moon.
Moon: Sure, I'll open it. Wait. What did you say?
Eddie: He said $100,000.
Moon: A hundred...(YELPS) Uh...(NERVOUS CHUCKLE) I forgot my keys. Koala be right back.
(中国日报网英语点津 陈丹妮)
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