王受文:《外商投资法》出台以后 将提供更优的外资环境
中国日报网 2019-03-09 15:36
十三届全国人大二次会议新闻中心3月9日(星期六)10时30分在梅地亚中心新闻发布厅举行记者会,邀请商务部部长钟山、副部长兼国际贸易谈判副代表王受文、副部长钱克明就“促进形成强大国内市场 推动全方位对外开放”相关问题回答中外记者提问。
Minister of Commerce Zhong Shan said a slew of measures will be taken this year to boost China's social consumption, such as improving urban consumption, to promote consumption upgrades, expand rural consumption, and develop service consumption while optimizing service supply.
The country will promote "selling agricultural products to the cities, while selling industrial products to the countryside".
王受文:《外商投资法》出台以后 将提供更优的外资环境
China's investment environment is expected to become more stable, open and transparent, as the draft foreign investment law stipulates foreign enterprises will receive pre-established national treatment plus a negative list management system, according to the Ministry of Commerce on Saturday.
The foreign investment law is expected to help establish an environment where foreign companies can compete fairly in China, and better protect the legitimate rights and interests of foreign investors, Wang Shouwen, vice-minister of commerce, said at a news conference during the two sessions.
Wang also cited that the law will protect the intellectual property rights of foreign investors and encourage technology cooperation based on voluntary principles and commercial rules.
Developing countries are in need of investment, and in the past five years through Belt and Road Initiative, China has helped many developing economies in infrastructure construction and production capacity cooperation, said Qian Keming, vice-minister of commerce.