洗护衣服的14个误区 来看看你中了几个? 14 ways you're ruining your clothes without realizing it
中国日报网 2019-08-30 08:46

You don't actually know what those symbols on clothing care labels mean.
It should go without saying, but properly caring for a garment will help preserve its good looks and durability. But as the symbols on garment care labels can look more like hieroglyphics than instructions, treating your clothing right might be more easily said than done.
Before you snip off an itchy care label, read up on what those symbols actually mean. The label should tell you what kind of fiber or blend the garment is made, whether or not it can be machine-washed, and if it can withstand an iron or bleach.
hieroglyphic[,haɪərə'glɪfɪk]: n. 用象形文字写的东西;潦草难懂的符号(或文字);似象形文字的东西

You let your damp gym clothes sit around.
Working up a sweat is great for you, but not for your clothes. Never let your gym clothes sit around while they're damp, as that's a sure-fire recipe for odor and mildew that might linger even after a wash cycle. The New York Times suggested washing your dirty gym gear as soon as possible and using a sports detergent to eliminate any offensive smells.
mildew['mɪldu]: n. 霉;霉病