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洗护衣服的14个误区 来看看你中了几个? 14 ways you're ruining your clothes without realizing it

中国日报网 2019-08-30 08:46

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash


You store your out-of-season clothes without cleaning them first.


Moths are notorious for munching their way through improperly stored clothing, but you can actually help protect your garments from becoming moth snacks by washing them before storing them away.


As Laundry Care explained, storing unwashed clothes can actually encourage a moth infestation because larvae can be nourished by stain residue, skin, or hair left behind on clothing. Washing your clothes before storing them in an airtight container will help discourage moth activity.

Laundry Care网站解释道,将未清洗的衣服收起来会滋生蛀虫,因为衣服上残留的污渍、皮屑或毛发会滋养幼虫。把衣服洗干净后放进密封的袋子或箱子里有助于隔离蛀虫。

larvae['lɑrvi]: n. 幼虫,幼体(larva 的复数)

residue['rɛzɪdu]: n. 残渣;剩余;滤渣


You wash your workout gear or athleisure items with fabric conditioner.


Just like conditioner can help keep your hair looking its best, fabric conditioner can also make your garments enticingly fluffy and soft. But not every type of fabric plays well with conditioner - some can actually be damaged by it.


According to Laundry Care, most modern athletic clothing is designed using a special fabric that wicks moisture away from the skin to keep you cool and dry as you sweat. Unfortunately, fabric conditioner leaves behind a film that coats this material and locks in sweat and bacteria, leading to permanent, lingering odor and canceling out its moisture-wicking properties.

Laundry Care网站称,大多数现代运动服都是用特殊面料制成的,这种面料会带走皮肤表面的汗水,让你保持干爽。不幸的是,衣物柔顺剂会在面料上留下一层膜,锁住汗水和细菌,导致运动服长时间散发着挥之不去的臭味,面料的除湿功能也因此而丧失了。

wick[wɪk]: vt. 依靠毛细作用带走


You just eyeball the amount of detergent you add to your laundry.


The measuring instructions on that detergent bottle are there for a reason. As Tide pointed out, adding too much laundry detergent can actually make your clothes come out of the washing machine looking worse than when they went in.


That's because too many suds in the water can cushion clothes and prevent them from rubbing together. That rubbing action is actually what helps garments release stains and get clean. Splashing in too much detergent can also lead to excess product in areas that don't easily rinse clean, like cuffs and seams.


suds[sʌdz]: n. 肥皂水;泡沫


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