洗护衣服的14个误区 来看看你中了几个? 14 ways you're ruining your clothes without realizing it
中国日报网 2019-08-30 08:46

You're washing your sweaters without doing this first.
According to CottonWorks, you should always wash your sweaters inside out to prevent pilling. The rubbing that occurs during washing can cause textiles like wool and cotton to rub against each other and bunch up, creating unsightly pills. In fact, if you looked at wool fibers under a microscope, you'd see that they're actually covered in tiny scales. These scales can catch on each other and cause pilling, so flip your sweaters inside out before cleaning them.
pilling['pɪlɪŋ]: n. 起毛粒,起毬
You toss your bathing suit in the dryer.
As a general rule, lace, silk, and beaded fabrics should stay out of the dryer and be laid flat to dry on a rack. The elasticity of swimwear can also be destroyed by heat, so dry your bathing suit on a rack as well. Hand-washing delicate items like bras and underwear is best, but you can also place them in a mesh laundry bag that will protect them from tangles and tears in the washing machine.
You're using the wrong kind of detergent.
If you have a HE (High Efficiency) washing machine, you need to use the right kind of laundry soap. These types of washing machines use less energy and water to get your clothes clean, so they work best with low-sudsing HE detergent.
According to The Spruce, using conventional detergent in a HE machine can actually stop your clothes from being thoroughly cleaned and might result in detergent residue in your garments. Look for the HE logo on the detergent bottle to be sure you're using the best product for your clothes and machine.
The Spruce网站称,事实上在高效洗衣机里用传统洗衣液会阻止衣服被彻底清洁,可能会导致衣服内有洗衣液残留物。选购那些瓶子上有高效标志的洗衣液,确保你用的洗衣产品适合你的衣服和洗衣机。