盘点世界上12个国家的护肤妙招 再不学起来就老了 12 of the best skin-care tips from around the world
中国日报网 2020-01-06 09:11


In Japan, many people are extremely dedicated to preventing aging before it happens, and so they put a big emphasis on protecting their skin from the sun.
Board-certified dermatologist Dr. Rhonda Q. Klein told Zwivel that "the basic tenant of Japanese skin care emphasizes sun protection and strict avoidance, gentle cleansing with multiple layers of hydrating and moisturizing products, serums, more moisturizers, and masks."
dermatologist[ˌdɝməˈtɑlədʒɪst]: n. 皮肤科医生
serum['sɪrəm]: n. 精华液

You might think of lemongrass as a popular flavor in Thai cuisine, but many people in Thailand also use it to benefit their skin.
Makeup artist and natural beauty expert Lina Hanson told Travel + Leisure that women in Thailand use it by "adding the stalks to hot, boiling water and steaming the face." This is because lemongrass is antibacterial, and steaming with it cleanses the skin while opening the pores.

When it comes to taking care of their skin, the French tend to be all about a consistent and trustworthy routine.
"Consistency is key when it comes to taking care of the largest organ on your body, and the French don't play around. Self-care is the best care (so long as it is doesn't take too much effort)," Zee Gustafson, Celebrity Makeup & Hair Artist and Owner of Zee Artistry, previously told INSIDER.
名人化妆师和发型师、Zee Artistry的老板齐·古斯塔夫森告诉内幕网说:“在护理身体最大的器官——皮肤时,保持一贯性是关键,在护肤方法上法国人不会变来变去。只要不是太费劲,自我护理是最好的护理。”
Further, in France, people tend to not buy into the latest fad but rather focus on tried-and-true staple products.
They believe that the more consistent you are with a regimen, the more likely you are to see results, Gustafson explained.
tried-and-true: adj. 经过检验而可靠的;靠得住的
regimen['rɛdʒɪmən]: n. 养生法