2020年英语点津这10篇文章点击量最高 Top 10 most read pieces on Language Tips in 2020
中国日报网 2020-12-29 10:00

No 6
“心惊胆战”,汉语成语,字面意思是“heart startling and gallbladder trembling”,形容十分害怕。与英文短语“strike terror into (one's) heart”意思相近,表示“to frighten, terrify, or horrify someone”。

No 7
Tibet Autonomous Region has accomplished the historical feat of eradicating absolute poverty, according to a press briefing held in the regional capital of Lhasa Thursday. By the end of 2019, Tibet had lifted 628,000 people out of poverty and delisted 74 county-level areas from the poverty list, said Wu Yingjie, Communist Party of China chief of Tibet.

No 8
“风调雨顺”,汉语成语,字面意思是“seasonable weather with gentle breeze and timely rain”,形容风雨适合农作物生长(good weather for the crops),亦可喻指天下安宁,常与“国泰民安”一起出现。

No 9
The global economy is now projected to contract by 4.4% in 2020 — an upward revision from an estimate of -4.9% made in June (which has now also been revised to -5.2% due to a new methodology used by the IMF). The IMF’s forecast assumes that social distancing due to the coronavirus pandemic will continue into 2021, and that local transmission will fall everywhere by the end of 2022.
Among major economies, only China is expected to expand in 2020. The IMF believes the country, which battled Covid-19 earlier than the rest of the world and was quickly able to move out of lockdown due to strict containment measures, will grow by 1.9%.

No 10
为减少疫情损失 纽约餐馆加收10%“疫情恢复费”
New York City diners may soon see a Covid-19 surcharge on their bills as the restaurant industry continues to hobble due to the coronavirus pandemic.
The New York City Council passed a bill on Wednesday 46-2 that would allow restaurants to charge as much as 10% on customers dining indoors or outdoors to help cover Covid-19 expenses.

(中国日报网英语点津 编辑)