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中国日报网 2021-02-01 11:23


进口冷链食品 imported cold-chain food


Overseas food exporters should strictly follow the regulatory guidelines issued by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and the World Health Organization to ensure their exports to China are not contaminated by the novel coronavirus during production, processing, storage or transportation, Li Kuiwen said.


So far, China has suspended imports from 124 cold-chain food manufacturers across 21 countries where employees had been infected with COVID-19. Among them, 107 companies voluntarily suspended exports to China following outbreaks, Li said.


说到“暂停”,我们可能立即会想到pause这个词,不过,在具体使用的时候,pause更偏重“短时间暂停(后继续进行某事)”的意思,比如:He talked for two hours without pausing for breath.(他说了两个小时的话,都没有停下来喘口气。)On leaving, she paused for a moment at the door.(离开的时候,她在门口停顿了一下。)而上文中的suspension及其动词形式suspend多指“把事情停下来一阵子(直到有后续的决策)”,比如:Tour groups were suspended because of the epidemic.(由于疫情原因,团队游被暂时叫停了。)这里的“暂停”一般会持续一段时间,直到形势变化允许这件事能继续进行。



By Wednesday, approximately 1.3 million cold-chain products had been sampled for nucleic acid testing, with 47 tested positive.

As part of emergency preventive measures, the GAC suspends import declarations of foreign food makers whose products test positive for one to four weeks.



China also ramped up disinfection at ports to stem the spread of COVID-19 through imported cold chains. By Wednesday, the outer packagings of 13.17 million products had been disinfected at ports across the country.


这里的ramp up是一个固定搭配的短语,表示“增加,加强”等意思,根据不同的语境可以跟increase或intensify替换使用,比如:The company announced plans to ramp up production to 10,000 units per month.(公司宣布将每月产量增加到一万件);ramp up security in the airports(加强机场安保)。


国内生产总值 Gross Domestic Product


China's economy grew by 2.3 percent in 2020, with major economic targets achieving better-than-expected results, the National Bureau of Statistics said on Monday.

The country's annual GDP came in at 101.59 trillion yuan ($15.68 trillion) in 2020, surpassing the 100 trillion yuan threshold, the NBS said.


Threshold读作['θreʃ.həʊld],本意指“门槛”,也可以引申为“...的起点”等意思,比如: a low threshold for pain(痛点很低),the threshold of a new era(新时代的起点), income tax threshold(个税起征点)等。



国内生产总值(Gross Domestic Product,简称GDP)是指在一定时期内(一个季度或一年),一个国家或地区的经济中所生产出的全部最终产品和劳务的价值(the market value of all the final goods and services produced in a specific time period),常被公认为衡量国家经济状况的最佳指标。

Output of industrial companies with annual revenue of more than 20 million yuan expanded by 2.8 percent year-on-year in 2020 and 7.3 percent in December.


规模以上工业企业是中华人民共和国自1996年开始使用的一个统计学术语,与“规模以下”相对,2011年1月起用于代指年主营业务收入人民币2000万元及以上的全部工业企业(industrial companies with annual revenue of more than 20 million yuan)。


Growth in retail sales came in at negative 3.9 percent year-on-year last year, but the growth recovered to positive 4.6 percent in December.

The country registered a 2.9-percent growth in fixed-asset investment in 2020.

The surveyed urban unemployment rate nationwide was 5.2 percent in December and 5.6 percent on average in the whole year.


月球样品 lunar samples



The regulations cover general principles for preserving, managing, using, borrowing and returning the lunar samples, as well as information release and research results management of the samples.

The lunar samples will be divided into four categories-permanent storage, backup permanent storage, research, and public-interest purposes, according to the regulations.


这里的backup指a copy of something that is stored separately from the original one,即“(与原始样本分开存储的)备份”,比如,Before we leave work each day, we make a backup of all the records we have entered into the computer that day.(每天下班前,我们都要把当天录入电脑的记录全部做备份);另外,backup还可以指“备用的人或物”,比如:The party is going to be outdoors, so we'll need to organize somewhere as a backup in case it rains.(派对安排在户外,所以我们需要另外找一个备用场地,以防中途下雨)。看美剧的时候,我们经常会听到人说“call for backup”,在这里,backup表示“后续的支援力量”。


按照基础用途:永久存储和备份永久存储样品作为原始样品进行封存(sealed and stored as original samples);研究样品用于月球科学研究、分析(scientific research and analysis);公益样品用于展览(public exhibition)、科普、教育(science education)等公益性活动。


The samples' managing and using will be done in accordance with international treaties that China has signed or taken part in. Meanwhile, China National Space Administration encourages researchers at home and abroad to use the samples in joint studies on space science and to share their findings with each other.


年夜饭 New Year's Eve meal


The number of searches for "New Year's Eve meal" on an online food-ordering platform this year is four times higher than that of the same period last year.


这里的“年夜饭”除了用New Year's Eve meal表示,很多时候也可以用reunion dinner表达,即“团圆饭”,年夜饭里一定要有鱼,寓意“年年有余(鱼)(wish for an increase in prosperity year-after-year)”。

Many restaurants are preparing more ready-to-cook meals and standard sets for one to two people to meet the expected spike in demand from young consumers in first and second-tier cities.


这里的ready-to-cook meals指各类食材都已准备好,只需简单烹调就可以食用的餐食,与其相对的是ready meal或ready-made meal,即“预制餐”,只需加热即可食用。另外,我们日常购买的各种“成衣”都可以用ready-to-wear clothes表示,即“用标准化尺寸制作好的衣服,可以随买随穿”。


Some merchants are also planning to launch deluxe New Year's Eve sets for singles.

Some time-honored and well-known restaurants have also launched takeout reunion meals.


这里的takeout可以用作名词或形容词,表示“外卖(商家或食物)”,主要用于美式英语语境,在英式英语中,“外卖”多用takeaway表示。与其相对的“堂食”多用dine in表示,比如:They offer dine-in and takeout(他们提供堂食和外带服务)。


返乡人员 people returning to rural areas



According to a notice released on the website of the National Health Commission, people returning to rural areas should isolate themselves at home for 14 days and take nucleic acid tests every seven days.

In addition to checking the test results of returnees during the festival, local governments must monitor and record their health status, increase local testing capacity and establish quarantine facilities in preparation for potential outbreaks.


国家卫健委明确:返乡人员是指从外地返回农村地区的人员(returnees are those who return to rural areas from other parts of the country)。


一是跨省份返乡人员(cross-provincial returnees);

二是来自本省内中高风险区域所在地市的返乡人员(中高风险区域内部人员原则上不流动)(returnees from medium or high risk areas within the province);

三是本省内的进口冷链食品从业人员、口岸直接接触进口货物从业人员、隔离场所工作人员、交通运输工具从业人员等重点人群(specific populations who deal with cold-chain imported food, have direct contact with imported goods at ports, work at quarantine sites or in transportation sector)。


持核酸检测阴性证明返乡从1月28日春运开始后实施,至3月8日春运结束后截止(the policy will be followed during the annual Spring Festival travel rush which lasts from Jan 28 to March 8 this year)。


持核酸检测阴性证明返乡后不需要隔离,但需要进行14天居家健康监测(14-day health monitoring at home),做好体温、症状监测,非必要不外出、不聚集(avoid unnecessary outing and gathering),必须外出时做好个人防护,并在返乡后第7天和第14天分别做一次核酸检测。



家庭教育法 family education law


Parents or guardians should not use violence as a way to teach children lessons, the draft law said. They should not discriminate against children based on their gender or physical condition, or coerce, lure, incite or use minors to violate laws, regulations or social morality, according to the draft.


这里的teach children lessons就是我们熟知的短语teach someone a lesson的复数形式,剑桥在线词典对这个短语的解释是“to show someone, as a result of experience, what should not be done in the future”,即“通过某种经历让某人知道以后什么事不能干”,也就是“给某人一个教训”,比如:After the CEO was found guilty, he was forced to repay $150 million in damages and will spend the next 10 years in jail. If that doesn't teach him a lesson, I don't know what will.(那位首席执行官被判有罪后,他要赔偿1.5亿美元的损失,还要入狱服刑10年。如果这都不能让他有个教训,我不知道还有什么事儿能教训他了)。

草案明确,家庭教育(family education)是指父母或者其他监护人对未成年人实施的、以促进其健康成长为目的的引导和影响(guidance and influence that aims to promote the healthy growth and development of minors),根本任务在于立德树人(foster character and civic virtue)。


Parents and guardians shoulder the primary responsibility to educate children, while the government, schools and society should offer support for family education, the draft said, adding that the country should intervene when necessary.

Law enforcement should admonish parents or ask them to improve family education when children have received administrative punishment from the police or committed minor crimes, it said.


这里的admonish读作/ədˈmɒn.ɪʃ/,表示“训诫、责备;规劝”等意思,多用于正式语境,常用的搭配是admonish someone for doing something或admonish someone to do something,比如:His mother admonished him for eating too quickly.(他吃饭太快被他妈妈责备了);Her teacher admonished her to work harder for her exams.(老师劝告她要努力备考)。

Courts could strip guardianship from parents if law enforcement authorities find they have violated the rights and interests of minors and have refused to correct their behavior.


Schools should notify parents when students have seriously violated regulations or laws and offer parents guidance in educating children. When parents refuse to fulfill their responsibilities, schools should notify the local residential or village committee or the parents' employers, it said.











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