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中国日报网 2021-02-01 11:23


外资流入国 FDI recipient



China was the world's largest recipient of foreign direct investment (FDI) in 2020, as flows rose by 4 percent to $163 billion, followed by the United States, a report by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) showed.


外商直接投资(也称“外国直接投资”,foreign direct investment,FDI)指外国企业和经济组织或个人(包括华侨、港澳台胞以及我国在境外注册的企业)按我国有关政策、法规,用现汇、实物、技术等在我国境内开办外商独资企业(wholly foreign-owned enterprise)、与我国境内的企业或经济组织共同举办中外合资经营企业(Chinese-foreign equity joint venture)、合作经营企业(Chinese-foreign contractual joint venture)或合作开发资源的投资(包括外商投资收益的再投资),以及经政府有关部门批准的项目投资总额内企业从境外借入的资金。



The decline in FDI was concentrated in developed countries, where flows fell by 69 percent to $229 billion.

Flows to North America slumped by 46 percent to $166 billion, with cross-border mergers and acquisitions (M&A) down by 43 percent.

The United States recorded a 49 percent drop in FDI in 2020, falling to an estimated $134 billion.

Investment in Europe also shrunk. Flows fell by two-thirds to $110 billion.


Although FDI to developing economies decreased by 12 percent to an estimated $616 billion, they accounted for 72 percent of global FDI — the highest share on record.

While developing countries in Asia performed well as a group, attracting an estimated $476 billion in FDI in 2020, flows to members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) contracted by 31 percent to $107 billion.


Despite projections for the world economy to recover in 2021, UNCTAD expects FDI flows to remain weak as the pandemic persists.


就地过年 stay local for the Spring Festival


All residents in areas at high risk of COVID-19 shall stay at their current residing localities to prevent spreading the epidemic, said the circular.Travel from medium-risk areas will need permission from the local epidemic prevention and control authorities. Those living in low-risk areas shall be advised to avoid traveling unless necessary, the circular said.

In principle, people who do need to travel should not go to medium and high risk areas.



Cities, counties and districts with no newly confirmed cases in the last 14 days are categorized as low-risk regions, those with fewer than 50 cases or those with over 50 but without a concentrated outbreak are classified as medium-risk regions, and those with over 50 cases as well as a concentrated outbreak are classified as high-risk regions.


According to the circular, all localities, especially large and medium-sized cities, are asked to guarantee stable supplies of necessities and energy.

Smooth logistics and transport services should meet the needs for shopping, recreation, and entertainment of people who stay where they work during the holiday.

Efforts should ensure that those who work during the holiday enjoy due overtime payments and rest under the relevant laws, it added.


职场常用缩略语中的OT就是overtime的简写形式,即“加班”或“加班费”,可以用作形容词、副词或名词,比如:They're working overtime to get the job done on time.(为了按时完成工作,他们在加班赶进度);We have put in 15 hours of overtime this week.(我们这周已经加了15个小时的班了);You can earn some overtime by working after 6 pm(你可以下午6点钟以后继续工作,挣点加班费)。在体育比赛中,overtime则表示“加时赛”,英式英语中多用extra time表示,比如:they need a three pointer to force overtime(他们需要投进一个三分球来打加时赛)。


中新自贸协定升级 upgrade of the China-New Zealand FTA

China and New Zealand on Tuesday signed a protocol on upgrading their 12-year-old free trade agreement (FTA), which is expected to bring more benefits to the businesses and peoples of the two countries.


中国和新西兰在2008年4月签署自贸协定(free trade agreement,FTA),于同年10月正式生效。这是我国签署的第一个涵盖货物贸易(trade in goods)、服务贸易(trade in services)、投资(investment)等诸多领域的双边全面自贸协定,也是中国与发达国家签署的第一个自贸协定(the first FTA between China and a developed country)。

中新自贸协定升级谈判于2016年11月启动,2019年11月宣布完成。2020年11月15日,包括中国和新西兰等15个成员国在内的区域全面经济伙伴关系协定(Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership,RCEP)正式签署。此次协定升级让两国经贸关系在RCEP基础上进一步提质增效。



The FTA upgrade adds new chapters on e-commerce, government procurement, competition policy as well as environment and trade, in addition to improvements on rules of origin, customs procedures and trade facilitation, technical barriers to trade and trade in services.


Upgrade这个词用法很多,可以用作动词、名词,其核心意思都跟“上升”有关,比如:I was upgraded to the first class during the flight(我在飞机上被升到了头等舱),He was upgraded to sales manager(他升职当销售经理了),I have my computer system upgraded(我找人把我的计算机系统升级了),这三个例句中的upgrade分别表达了不同语境下的“提升、升级”;用作名词形式表达这几个句子的意思就是:I got an upgrade to the first class during the flight/His upgrade to sales manager is a good news for the family/Someone helped me with my computer system upgrade。

On the basis of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership, China will further expand its opening-up in sectors including aviation, education, finance, elderly care, and passenger transport to New Zealand to boost the trade in services.

The upgraded FTA will see both countries open their markets for certain wood and paper products.

New Zealand will lower its threshold for reviewing Chinese investment, allowing it to receive the same review treatment as members of the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP).

It has also doubled the quota for Chinese Mandarin teachers and Chinese tour guides working in the country to 300 and 200, respectively.


进返京新规 Beijing's new entry rules


From Jan 28 to March 15, travelers from domestic low-risk areas must provide negative nucleic acid results within seven days upon arrival, they must undergo health monitoring for 14 days and receive two separete nucleic acid tests on their 7th and 14th day in Beijing.

Entry to the Chinese capital will be declined for those from domestic medium and high-risk and lockdown areas, while inbound travelers entering the Chinese mainland via other cities must wait for 21 days before visiting Beijing.


这里的decline表示“拒绝”,与refuse意思相近,只不过decline更加礼貌、正式一点,比如:I invited him to the meeting but he declined.(我邀请他参会,但是他婉拒了),这里的decline可以用refuse替换,只不过替换之后语气就比decline要不客气一些了。另外一个表示“拒绝”的词reject包含的不客气程度要比decline和refuse都更强,通常强调“退回、驳回”的意思,比如:The publisher rejected the manuscript as unpublishable(发行商以不符合出版条件为由退回了手稿),The manager rejected my request for more time to finish the project(我提出的延长完工时间的请求被经理驳回了);reject用作名词的时候多表示“退回的货物或人”,比如:The gown was very cheap because it was a reject(那件长袍很便宜,因为是退回来的货)。

The municipal government also renewed calls for residents to avoid outbound travels during the festival to minimize infection risks and promised to offer shopping coupons and free data packages to those who choose to stay put.


“境内、境外”中的“境”有时指“国境(the territory of China)”,有时指“关境(customs territory)”,翻译前必须进行仔细甄别。国境是指一个国家行使主权的领土范围,从国境的角度讲,香港、澳门和台湾属“境内”。例如“中国境内的外国人”译为“foreigners in the territory of China”。

关境是指适用同一海关法或实行同一关税制度的区域,从关境的角度讲,香港、澳门和台湾、澎湖、金门、马祖(台澎金马)在世界贸易组织中是单独关税区,属于“境外”;这种情况下,“境内”指的就是例句中加粗字体所列的范围,即中国大陆地区(the Chinese mainland)。因此,“出境”我们通常用outbound travel表示。“入境人员”可以用inbound passengers或overseas arrivals,不能用foreign/international passengers,因为疫情期间入境人员很多都是我国在外的同胞。


新冠疫苗升级 updated version of COVID-19 vaccines




If necessary, an upgrade for China's inactivated COVID-19 vaccine could be completed in about two months.


Lab data shows that Chinese vaccines' capability to help human bodies generate antibodies remains almost steady in neutralizing the new variants of the virus that emerged in Europe, South America, and the US across the first half of 2020, said Shao. "Although the efficacy is slightly weakened when it comes to the new variants."


这里的neutralize是形容词neutral的动词形式,表示“使中和,使无效,使中立”等意思,比如,neutralize a threat(消除威胁),neutralize an enemy(消灭敌人),Raising the sales tax will neutralize the tax cut(提高销售税就能抵消减税带来的影响)。


The redesign of inactivated technology could take a bit longer than the mRNA technology, which does not require cultivating and inactivating the virus.

他表示,灭活疫苗的质控因素(quality control factors)较多,会比mRNA疫苗的化学合成和修饰的升级过程上稍慢一些,但前后时间差应不会超过1个月。



Moderna Inc said on Monday it believes its COVID-19 vaccine protects against new variants found in Britain and South Africa, although it will test a new booster shot aimed at the South African variant after concluding the antibody response could be diminished.


这里的booster shot,即“加强针”,指疫苗注射一段时间后,体内抗体有所下降,不足以起到保护作用时,再次注射的疫苗,以提高抗体水平。Booster是动词boost的名词形式,火箭发射过程中经常用到的“助推器”也是booster。Boost这个词在各类新闻报道中经常出现,比如:plans to boost production(提升产量的计划),boost morale(提振士气),boost confidence(增强信心)等。

Germany's BioNTech said its existing Covid-19 vaccine, developed with Pfizer, would still be effective against the new variant. If not, “the beauty of the mRNA technology is we can directly start to engineer a vaccine that completely mimics this new mutation and we could manufacture a new vaccine within six weeks, said Ugur Sahin, BioNTech's chief executive.




Pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca and Oxford University plan to make an updated version of their COVID-19 vaccine that will target the new variant of the novel coronavirus found in South Africa.

(中国日报网英语点津 Helen)

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