中国日报双语新闻微信 2021-08-08 09:00
这就是两位英国“图书理疗师”的《小说药丸》(The Novel Cure: An A-Z of Literary Remedies)。
埃拉·伯绍德 (Ella Berthoud)和苏珊·埃尔德金(Susan Elderkin)二十多年前同为剑桥大学英文系同学,在学校时她们就为彼此推荐书,相互交换书,结交友谊的同时也沉淀了大量的阅读。
2008年,埃拉和苏珊在伦敦开了一家诊所提供图书理疗(bibliotherapy)的“诊所”,就在那个写《爱情笔记》、《哲学的慰藉》的阿兰·德波顿(Alain de Botton)开办的“人生学校”(The School of Life)里,为前来问诊的人开处方小说。
Bibliotherapy has been popular in the form of the nonfiction self-help book for several decades now. But lovers of literature have been using novels as salves — either consciously or subconsciously — for centuries.
Our belief in the effectiveness of fiction as the purest and best form of bibliotherapy is based on our own experience with patients and bolstered by an avalanche of anecdotal evidence.
Sometimes it’s the story that charms; sometimes it’s the rhythm of the prose that works on the psyche, stilling or stimulating. Sometimes it’s an idea or an attitude suggested by a character in a similar quandary or jam.
若是你觉得自己太过粗枝大叶(carelessness),治疗药方是《小王子》(The Little Prince)。
If you lived on a planet as small as the Little Prince’s planet, Asteroid B-612 – so small that you’d have to take great care, after you’d finished washing and dressing each morning, to dig out any baobab shoots that had appeared overnight lest they take over your planet; and that one day you watched the sunset forty-four times, just by moving your chair; you’d be living a simple life that would inculcate in you the habit of carefulness.
You would water the one flower that grew on your planet every day, and never forget. You would take the trouble, before you went away on a trip, to rake out your volcanoes, even the extinct one.
Because you would know that it’s the time and care you spend on things that makes them important. And that if you didn’t take this care, you’d wake up one day to find yourself surrounded by things that were sad, feeling their unimportance themselves.
Whatever the size of your planet when you begin reading The Little Prince, we guarantee it will have shrunk and become much more like Asteroid B-612 by the end. And that afterwards you will live your life with more care.
失眠症(Insomnia)的小说药丸则是:a. 乔纳森·科(Jonathan Coe)的《睡眠之屋》(The House of Sleep),或者,b. 费尔南多·佩索阿(Fernando Pessoa)的《不安之书》(The Book of Disquiet)。
对于拖延症(procrastination)患者,书里推荐读一读石黑一雄的《长日留痕》(The Remains of the Day)。
感觉人生无意义的患者,请服用乔治·佩雷克的《人生拼图版》(Life: A User’s Manual)。
想去日本请读川端康成的《雪国》(Snow Country);
想去法国请读琼·里斯的《早安,午夜》(Good Morning, Midnight);
有些推荐的小说与对应的症状看似并不相关,比如说读《安娜·卡列尼娜》治愈牙疼;有些推荐就像预防感冒要吃板蓝根一样容易想到,比如你厌倦了过于井井有条的生活,那就来读读《在路上》(On the Road)。
在一篇《纽约客》文章中,同是作家的Ceridwen Dovey写自己接受埃拉和苏珊的图书疗法后的感受。尽管她更喜欢自己去发掘好书,但是从埃拉和苏珊给她准备的书单中,她亦收获了很多感悟:
The insights themselves are still nebulous, as learning gained through reading fiction often is—but therein lies its power. In a secular age, I suspect that reading fiction is one of the few remaining paths to transcendence, that elusive state in which the distance between the self and the universe shrinks.
Reading fiction makes me lose all sense of self, but at the same time makes me feel most uniquely myself. As Woolf, the most fervent of readers, wrote, a book “splits us into two parts as we read,” for “the state of reading consists in the complete elimination of the ego,” while promising “perpetual union” with another mind.
(来源:中国日报双语新闻微信 编辑:左卓)