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中国日报网 2021-10-31 14:00


国家公园 national parks



The protected land area of the national parks is 230,000 square kilometers and they cover nearly 30 percent of the key terrestrial wildlife species found in China.


国家公园(national parks)是指由国家批准设立并主导管理(authorized by the central government and implemented by government-led management),边界清晰,以保护具有国家代表性的大面积自然生态系统为主要目的,实现自然资源科学保护和合理利用的特定陆地或海洋区域(set up in specific land, marine and ocean areas to achieve a combination of ecological protection and reasonable development)。

2017年9月,中共中央办公厅、国务院办公厅印发了《建立国家公园体制总体方案》。方案提出,到2020年,中国建立国家公园体制试点基本完成(finish pilot programs for establishing national parks),整合设立一批国家公园(set up a batch of national parks),分级统一的管理体制基本建立(establish a comprehensive management system),国家公园总体布局初步形成。到2030年,国家公园体制更加健全(the system will be further improved),分级统一的管理体制更加完善(the management will be more efficient),保护管理效能明显提高。


三江源国家公园(Sanjiangyuan National Park)位于青藏高原腹地(the hinterland of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau),是长江、黄河、澜沧江的发源地(the source of the Yangtze, Yellow and Lancang rivers),被誉为“中华水塔”,拥有冰川雪山(glaciers and snowy mountains)、高海拔湿地(high-altitude wetlands)、荒漠戈壁、高寒草原草甸(alpine grassland and meadows)等高寒生态系统,是国家重要的生态安全屏障。

大熊猫国家公园(Giant Panda National Park)横跨四川、陕西及甘肃三个省,保存了大熊猫栖息地(giant panda habitat)面积1.5万平方公里,占全国大熊猫栖息面积的58.48%,分布有野生大熊猫1340只,占全国野生大熊猫总量的71.89%,是世界生物多样性热点区(global biodiversity hotspot)。

东北虎豹国家公园(Northeast China Tiger and Leopard National Park)地处亚洲温带针阔混交林(the temperate broadleaf and mixed forest)生态系统的中心地带,是我国境内规模最大且唯一具有繁殖家族的野生东北虎(Siberian tigers)、东北豹(Amur leopards)种群的定居和繁育区域。

海南热带雨林国家公园(Hainan Tropical Rainforest National Park)拥有我国分布最集中、类型最多样、保存最完好、连片面积最大的大陆性岛屿型热带雨林(the most complete and diverse continental island tropical rain forest in China.),是海南长臂猿(black crested gibbon)的全球唯一分布地,也是热带生物多样性的宝库。

武夷山国家公园(Wuyi Mountain National Park)是世界文化与自然双遗产地(world cultural and natural heritage site),拥有同纬度保存最完整、最典型、面积最大的中亚热带森林生态系统,以及特色丹霞地貌景观(Danxia landforms)和丰富的历史文化遗产,是世界著名的生物模式标本产地。



国家公园是我国自然保护地最重要类型之一(one of the most important types of protected natural areas),属于全国主体功能区规划中的禁止开发区域(no construction or exploitation of resources is allowed inside national parks),纳入全国生态保护红线区域(ecological protection red line)管控范围,实行最严格的保护。

国家公园的首要功能是重要自然生态系统的原真性、完整性保护,同时兼具科研(scientific researches)、教育(education)、游憩(recreation)等综合功能。


一是自然教育。因为我们把最好的生态系统、最独特的自然景观、最精华的自然遗产,都划到了国家公园范围里面(areas with the best eco-system, the most spectacular natural landscapes and the most valuable natural heritage are included in the national park system),它是一个最好的自然课堂(nature classroom),大家在里边能够提升自己的认知能力。

二是自然游憩,比如观察野生动物(observing wild animals)、露营(camping)等。


文物保护 protection of cultural heritage


The National Cultural Heritage Administration told a media briefing on Tuesday that 1,783 heritage sites across Shanxi had been damaged as of Monday. Major damage includes cracks in walls, leaking roofs, sinking foundations and broken outer fences. No injuries have been reported at the ancient architecture sites.


Among the damaged sites, 176 are registered key sites under national-level protection, 143 are under provincial-level protection, and 661 are under city- or county-level protection.


全国重点文物保护单位(key historical and cultural sites under national-level protection)是中华文明的优秀代表和重要标识。1961年,国务院核定公布了第一批180处国保单位。根据2002年10月28日第九届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第三十次会议通过的《中华人民共和国文物保护法》第十三条的规定,国务院文物行政部门在省级、市、县级文物保护单位中,选择具有重大历史、艺术、科学价值的(those with significant historical, artistic and scientific value)确定为全国重点文物保护单位,或者直接确定为全国重点文物保护单位,报国务院核定公布。

Preliminary evaluations found most damage to be minor, the administration said, but 89 sites, including two national-level key sites and seven provincial-level sites, were reported to be "severely damaged", which means they partially collapsed or their overall construction safety is in jeopardy.



Shanxi has one of the biggest trove of ancient architecture in China, with some of the oldest surviving Chinese buildings, dating back to the Tang Dynasty (618-907). Statistics from the Shanxi Provincial Cultural Heritage Administration show that over 28,000 ancient buildings remain standing, with 421 of them registered as national-level key sites.

However, many scattered heritage sites in the countryside, which are not rated, face the biggest threat from natural disasters like torrential rain. More than 800 sites damaged in the latest deluge are not included in protected lists at any level and have lacked renovation and protection.


From 2016 to 2020, over 1.06 billion yuan was allocated by the central and provincial governments for the renovation and consolidation of major ancient architecture in Shanxi.

In 2017, Shanxi launched an experimental program enabling enterprises to "adopt" ancient architecture and support its daily maintenance. The program, which covers 238 ancient architecture sites, has raised a total of 300 million yuan from enterprises.


An expert panel sent by the National Cultural Heritage Administration was conducting a field investigation in Shanxi for further evaluation and to guide local rescue efforts.

Emergency rescue funds would be allocated to save and remedy cultural heritage sites in Shanxi, and the damaged sites would become the focuses of future conservation projects. A comprehensive survey of the safety of heritage sites in the province will also be launched.


神舟十三号载人飞船 Shenzhou XIII manned spaceship


According to the China Manned Space Agency (CMSA), the upcoming Shenzhou XIII mission will include two or three extravehicular activities, installation of important devices for mechanical arms as well as various sci-tech experiments and applications.


一是载人飞船将首次采用径向交会对接方式(radial rendezvous and docking),停靠空间站;

二是届时中国空间站将实现核心舱、2艘货运飞船、1艘载人飞船共4个飞行器组合体(a complex with the core module, two cargo crafts and one manned spaceship)运行;

三是航天员将首次在轨驻留6个月,这也是空间站运营期间航天员乘组常态化驻留周期(a regular duration for following Chinese astronauts to work and live in the space station);

四是中国女航天员将首次进驻中国空间站,航天员王亚平也将成为中国首位实施出舱活动的女航天员(the first Chinese female astronaut to carry out extravehicular activities),而神舟十三号乘组也将包括中国首次出舱的男女航天员;

五是在神舟十二号任务的基础上,进一步开展更多的空间科学实验与技术试验(conduct scientific and technological experiments),产出高水平科学成果;

六是实施任务的飞船、火箭均在发射场直接由应急待命的备份状态(standby status)转为发射状态(launch status)。


通过神舟十三号任务,将更加全面地考核工程各系统执行空间站任务的功能性能,以及系统间的匹配性与协调性(compatibility and coordination)。

In 2022, two large space labs will be launched to connect with the core module. Moreover, two manned missions and two robotic cargo flights will be made that year to continue construction of the Tiangong station, which is scheduled to become complete and start formal operation around the end of 2022.


经济增长 economic growth

国家统计局10月18日发布数据,初步核算,2021年前三季度中国国内生产总值(gross domestic product,GDP)823131亿元,同比增长9.8%,两年平均增长5.2%。


国内生产总值(Gross Domestic Product,简称GDP)是指在一定时期内(一个季度或一年),一个国家或地区的经济中所生产出的全部最终产品和劳务的价值(the market value of all the final goods and services produced in a specific time period),常被公认为衡量国家经济状况的最佳指标。

China's economy continued stable recovery in the first three quarters of this year with major indicators staying within a reasonable range, official data showed.

In the third quarter (Q3), the country's GDP grew 4.9 percent year on year, slower than the growth of 18.3 percent in Q1 and 7.9 percent in Q2.


在一些统计类的报道中,我们经常会看到“环比”、“同比”这样的表述,这两种比较方式的区别在于:环比,就是跟上一个周期比;同比,就是跟去年同期比。如果用今年1月的数据跟去年1月的数据相比就是“同比”,英文用形容词year-on-year或者副词短语year on year表示,上文中的grew 4.9 percent year on year也可以改为a year-on-year growth of 4.9 percent;而1月的铁路客流量与12月的相比,就是“环比”,可以用形容词形式month-on-month或者副词形式的month on month来表示,比如:the number of passenger trips saw a month-on-month increase of 30 percent in January。


Output of industrial companies with annual revenue of more than 20 million yuan rose by 11.8 percent year on year over the first three quarters of the year, putting the two-year average growth to 6.4 percent, the NBS said.


规模以上工业企业是中华人民共和国自1996年开始使用的一个统计学术语,与“规模以下”相对,2011年1月起用于代指年主营业务收入人民币2000万元及以上的全部工业企业(industrial companies with annual revenue of more than 20 million yuan)。


Retail sales grew by 16.4 percent on a yearly basis in the first three quarters and 3.9 percent on the two-year average basis.

The growth in fixed-asset investment came in at 7.3 percent on a yearly basis in January-September period, sending the two-year average growth to 3.8 percent.

Surveyed urban unemployment rate came in at 4.9 percent last month, compared with 5.1 percent in August, the bureau said.


北京冬奥会火种 the flame for the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic Games

10月18日,北京冬奥会火种(the Olympic flame for the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic Games)在奥林匹克运动的发祥地——希腊伯罗奔尼撒半岛的古奥林匹亚采集成功。


Greek actress Xanthi Georgiou in the role of an ancient Greek High Priestess used a concave mirror to focus the sun's rays and light the torch before the 2,500-year-old Temple of Hera, a goddess in ancient Greek mythology.


Goddess这个词除了表示神话传说中的“女神”以外,还可以形容魅力非凡、令人仰慕的女子(a woman whose great charm or beauty arouses adoration),比如:The actress, who is already a goddess in her own country, is finally getting recognition here.(这位女演员在本国已经是女神级的人物,终于在这里也受到认可了)。此外,在演艺行业实力强劲的女艺人有时也会被业界称为diva,比如:pop diva,fashion diva等。



In our fragile world, where separation, division and mistrust are on the rise, the Olympic Games always build bridges and friendship.

Beijing will write history as the first city ever to host both the summer (2008) and winter editions of the Olympic Games. The Olympic Winter Games Beijing 2022 will connect the Chinese people with the world, bringing to life China's vision to engage 300 million people with sport on snow and ice, changing winter sport forever. The entire world will see this passion when China welcomes the best winter sport athletes.


Amid the outbreak of the coronavirus disease, the Olympic flame has brought us confidence, warmth and hope. It has been a source of strength in our fight to defeat the pandemic. Together, for a Shared Future.


The first Chinese torch bearer to receive the flame from Ioannis Antoniou was Li Jiajun, a winner of five medals in short track speed skating at the 1998, 2002 and 2006 Olympic Winter Games.


互联网用户账号管理 management of internet user accounts


The campaign will focus on malpractices such as re-registration of banned accounts, using illegal information in the names of user accounts, ghost followers of online influencers, malicious marketing of internet user accounts and renting or selling online game accounts to minors.


社交媒体上不活跃或虚假用户的统称(users on social media platforms who remain inactive or do not engage in activity)为“僵尸粉”,英文可翻译为“fake followers,ghost followers”。这些用户的特点是只关注不点赞、不评论、不发言(do not partake in liking, commenting, and posting)。

网络公司注册一些虚假机器账号,一般用于提高特定用户(尤其是名人博主)粉丝数量,为其吸引更多关注(increase the number of fans for certain users, especially celebrity ones, and get them more attention),在英文里有时也直接被称为bots(机器粉)。


Regulation of the registration and management of user accounts will be strengthened to ban the re-registration of accounts, which were closed in accordance with laws and regulations, with the same or similar names.


User accounts, with the intention of misleading the public, that counterfeit names and logos of Party, government or military organizations, enterprises, public institutions and media organizations will be resolutely punished.


The campaign will clean up ghost fans and bots, and crack down on behaviors of buying fans.









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