每日一词|中法人文合作发展论坛 forum on the development of people-to-people and cultural exchanges between China and France
中国日报网 2024-05-07 14:27
A forum on the development of people-to-people and cultural exchanges between China and France was held in Paris, France on May 4. The participants agreed that strengthening cultural exchanges and cooperation between China and France will not only help broaden consensus and deepen mutual trust, but also promote the two great civilizations and other civilizations worldwide to achieve each other and to rejuvenate with fresh vitality in the new era.
中法人文合作发展论坛主题为“深化人文交流 弘扬‘中法精神’”。中法两国政府官员,联合国机构、国际组织代表,国际主流媒体、智库负责人以及两国文化、企业界人士等约250人参加论坛。论坛期间举办了“守正创新 继往开来——庆祝中法建交60周年图片展”。与会人士通过60张展览图片,回顾60年间中法政治交往、经济合作、人文交流等方面的珍贵瞬间和精彩故事。与会人士指出,中法人文交流源远流长,体现出平等、互鉴、对话、包容的文明观。
As important representatives of Eastern and Western civilizations, China and France have a long history of mutual appreciation and admiration. French Enlightenment thinkers turned to study Chinese culture centuries ago, and great French thinkers and writers such as Voltaire, Diderot, Hugo and Balzac have been household names in China.
China-France Year of Culture and Tourism
strategic consensus