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[ 2007-09-28 17:10 ]


影片对白  Why you fill him with ideas like this? Who the hell do you think you are? And you, why don’t you keep your feet on the ground instead of your head in the sky?

文化面面观   Toon,Geordie VS Looney Tunes,Bugs Bunny



Goal! (also known as Goal! The Dream Begins in the United States) is a 2005 film directed by Danny Cannon.

This is the first installment of a trilogy named Goal!. This film was made with full cooperation from FIFA, which is one of the reasons actual teams are used throughout the movie. The second installment, Goal! 2: Living the Dream, was released in February 2007. The third and final installment, Goal 3, is currently being filmed and follows Santiago as he participates in the 2006 FIFA World Cup.

One young man's dream takes him on a remarkable journey in this sports-themed drama. Santiago Munez (Kuno Becker) was born in Mexico, and came to California with his family when he was just a boy. One of the few things Santiago brought with him was a love for soccer, and while he holds down two jobs -- working landscaping during the days with his father, Hernan (Tony Plana), and as a busboy at night -- he still dreams of playing the game professionally, and spends his precious spare time with an amateur team in Los Angeles. One day, Santiago is approached by Glen Foy (Stephen Dillane), a part-time scout for powerhouse British team Newcastle United; Glen has seen Santiago play and thinks he has talent, and can get him a tryout with Newcastle if he can make his way to England. While Hernan refuses to help Santiago pay for the trip, his grandmother (Miriam Colon) empties her savings to help him follow his dream. Santiago's first reserve game with the team happens during a typically British rainstorm, with Santiago suffering a mild asthma attack to boot; he doesn't play at his best and is turned away from the team, but he refuses to go home, determined to make good. After striking up a friendship with star kicker Gavin Harris (Alessandro Nivola) and demonstrating his mettle to coach Mal Braithwaite (Gary Lewis), Santiago earns a second chance to show Newcastle United what he can do and make his father proud of him. (answers.com)



Keep your eyes on the stars and your feet on the ground.

What’s the next big thing?

The securities analyst was caught off guard by that financial report.

The Da Vinci Code《达•芬奇密码》(精讲之六)考考你 参考答案

Robert: Let her go!


Leigh: Don't you hurt her.


Silas: Give me the keystone! Give it to me!


Robert: Here! Here! Here it is! Here it is. Just let her go, and you and I can-- We'll come to some agreement.


Leigh: Remy.


Robert: Remy. No, no, no. No, put it away. Put it away. They're too close together. You don't have a clear shot.


Remy: Yes, I do.



影片对白  Why you fill him with ideas like this? Who the hell do you think you are? And you, why don’t you keep your feet on the ground instead of your head in the sky?

文化面面观   Toon,Geordie VS Looney Tunes,Bugs Bunny


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