“这是美好的时代,这是糟糕的时代;这是智慧的年头,这是愚昧的年头;这是信仰的时期,这是怀疑的时期……”-- 狄更斯
1、 参赛资格: 限中华人民共和国公民
- 形式:文字、单幅照片、组照或图文组合作品。
- 无论文字描写,还是影像照片(彩色,黑白均可),均需原创且照片必须保留数码照片拍摄信息,否则视为无效。
- 大赛分为成年组和少年组,少年组的参赛者为1993年9月1日以后出生的在校学生
- 文字投稿或图片配文字数不超过500字。
- 照片作品限为1978年之后拍摄的,反映中国时代变革的作品。
“世纪追影狄更斯 - 2012狄更斯创意写作和纪实摄影大赛”分为文学比赛和摄影比赛两部分。摄影作品和图文组合作品将角逐摄影致臻奖,文学作品将角逐文学创作奖。成年组将评选出文学类和摄影类的头等奖各1名。10名优秀奖和200名人气奖将在摄影及文学作品中择优选拔。
奖项 |
获奖人数 |
奖品 |
狄更斯文学摄影大赛 - 中国区头等奖 |
文学创作奖 (1人) 摄影致臻奖 (1人) 校际连线少年才俊奖(2人)
赴英国访问,包括提供: 往返国际机票 当地住宿 安排在当地的文化活动 |
狄更斯文学摄影大赛 - 中国区优秀奖 |
10人 |
国内知名作家签名的狄更斯全集 狄更斯玄孙女亲笔签名主题奖品 |
狄更斯文学摄影大赛 - 中国区人气奖 |
200人 |
“狄更斯诞辰200周年 ” 精致礼品 |
文学作品投稿 (500字以内) :
2)、邮箱提交:请在邮件标题中注明文学作品投稿,并发送文字内容和标题至官方邮箱 622006637@qq.com,同时需在邮件中注明作者姓名、组别(成年组或少年组)、居住省份、电话
2)、邮箱提交:请在邮件标题中注明摄影作品投稿,并通过附件发送摄影作品或图文组合作品到官方邮箱 622006637@qq.com,同时需在内文中注明作者姓名、组别(成年组或少年组)、居住省份、电话
黑 明:摄影师
- 第一阶段:所有网上提交的摄影作品/图文组合作品将在网上投票,活动主办方将结合评委团的打分和网上投票结果,从参赛作品中选出入围作品。评委团同时将对网上提交的文学作品进行打分,从参赛作品中评选出入围作品。所有入围摄影作品/图文组合和文学作品将获得中国区人气奖。
- 第二阶段:由评委团从入围作品中评选出中国区头等奖和优秀奖。
- 参赛者通过不同方式提交的同一作品,将被视为一件作品,主办方对重复作品不做评选。
- 参赛摄影作品可以通过软件做适当处理,但不得使用合成方式改变作品的原貌。
- 参赛者需保证提交作品不侵犯任何第三方的合法权益,作品涉及的肖像权,著作权和名誉权由参赛者本人承担。
- 公布获奖名单后,主办方会要求获奖人在指定日期内提供与参赛信息一致的身份证影印件及摄影作品原始数码照片,作为获奖证明。无法提交有效身份证明或提交信息与原始信息不符者,视为无效。
- 少年组特指在1993年9月1日以后出生的在校学生,非在读学生作品不在少年组评奖之列。
- 主办方有权将提交的参赛作品免费用于活动的相关宣传和推介。
- 英国大使馆文化教育处拥有本次活动的最终解释权。
Celebrating the 200th Birthday of Charles Dickens ---
Cultural Activities of Dickens 2012 in China
2012 is the 200 anniversary of Charles Dickens. Cultural and Education Section of the British Embassy / British Consulate-General will host a series of cultural activities in China in September 2011 to commemorate this great realistic writer, and to honour his great impact on our contemporary life.
Dickens is the first writer who wrote about the urban industrialization. The then young writer detected the influence of expansion of city on human beings in a sensitive and realistic way. He has been widely recognized. His works have been influencing people for generations with realism. The characteristic of Dickens’s works is that he sensed the uniqueness of his time with plain words. His conception parallels that of Chinese literature which strives to carry morality and philosophy in literary works. They try to present the spirit of the time through careful observers, and express it in literary works.
David Copperfield, Great Expectations, The Adventures of Oliver Twist, The Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby and A Christmas Carol in Prose, Being A Ghost Story of Christmas are considered to be his best works, and they are also widely read by Chinese readers.
This series of activities are for both professionals and the public. We will host a contest named “Our Times----the Creative Writing and Documentary Photography Competition” from Sep. 2 to Dec. 7. Dickens said in the beginning of A Tale of Two Cities that “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity…” We hope that fans to literature and photography can record the uniqueness of Chinese cities in development, describe the images of the cities in their minds’ eyes, and tell the brightness and sadness with your thoughts, hence to display the true image of the city. The activity is divided into two groups, that is, the adult group above 18 years old and the teenagers group under 18 years. The top 4 awards such as literature creation award, photography award and young talent award as well as memorial award and award of excellence will be elected by the votes online and votes by the expert judgers including the Lu Jiande, director of the Institute of Literature Research of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Cai Zhimin, Chief-Editor of Yuwen Bao, Wang Wenlan, the vice president of China Photographers Association and the assistant to editor-in-chief of China’s Global Newspaper, and Na Risong, the art director of the 798 art centre. On Feb. 7 in 2012, that is the 200th anniversary of Dickens, there will be an activity held in the house of British ambassador, and the winners will also be invited to claim their awards. The winners will also be invited to the book exhibition in London in April in 2012. The works of the winners and the finalists will be edited as a part of the commemoration activity.
From October to December, we will also initiate literature salons for the 200th anniversary of Dickens in six cities, namely Beijing, Shanghai, Nanjing, Wuhan, Chengdu and Changsha. We will invite thirteen renowned authors in China to communicate with literature fans on different aspects of literature, and discuss the realistic meaning of great literature works. The writers include Mo Yan, Liu Zhenyun, Murong Xuecun, Ye Xin and Alai.
In addition, we will put on 3-4 movies which are based on the works of Dickens (such as Oliver Twist) and other videos about Dickens during the British Film Week held in December in Beijing, Xi’an and Dalian.
When commemorating Dickens, the great writer, we also hope that the observation for the society and the critical thinking as well as the innovation spirit could be carried forward. Economic globalization requires that the young generation should have an international view, understand the cultures of other countries, be able to think in an international way and be versatile. Our school programme ‘Connecting Classrooms’ will develop a series of curriculum project named ‘Our Times’, with a focus on literature and writing. The project will provide some public lectures on literature writing techniques as well as education resources with a teaching plan competition. In doing this, we hope to enlighten teachers and students to foster the ability of observation, critical thinking and innovation within themselves, and bring the concept of educating the global citizens to the classroom.
From September to November, 2011, we will host two lectures on literature techniques in each of the following cities: Chengdu, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Jiaxing. Those lectures aim to inform people how to view ‘Contemporary China in Literature’, and enlighten the audience to discover and understand in depth the description of social changes and the different perspectives and communication skills embodied in them. The ‘objective description in writing’, the comparison of the application of the objective description for writers from both China and the UK, enlightening teachers to transit it into the capability in writing teaching plans, and enlightening students to foster critical thinking and creation in writing will also be promoted in our project.
’Our Times-----the Teaching Plan Competition’ will begin from Sep. 2 to Dec. 7, 2011, which parallels the ‘the Creation of Dickens and Photography Competition’. An activity plan should include teaching, extra curricular activities and interdisciplinary cooperation, and such subjects as Chinese, English, art, drama, design, computer, history, geography, political science and citizen education. Both British and Chinese teachers will take part in the activities at the same time. The Chinese champion will win the opportunity to attend the book exhibition in London in April, 2012, free of charge, and to be awarded on Feb. 7, 2012 (the 200th anniversary of Dickens) in the house of the ambassador. Five winners of the award of excellence will get the souvenir of seed rods from the seed hall of the UK pavilion.