Chelsea Clinton earned an annual salary of $600,000 at NBC News before switching to a month-to-month contract earlier this year, sources with knowledge of the agreement told POLITICO. Clinton, who joined NBC News as a special correspondent in November 2011, was up for renewal or nonrenewal this year. Instead, the sources said, the network decided to keep her on the payroll on a month-to-month basis so the two parties could sever ties if Clinton’s mother, Hillary Clinton, runs for president. As special correspondent, Clinton worked on service-related feature assignments for NBC’s “Rock Center with Brian Williams” until the show’s cancellation in June 2013. Clinton has since worked on packages for NBC Nightly News. In that time, Clinton’s principal occupation has been the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation, where she has been a major force in steering her parents’ charitable work in the final years of her mother’s tenure at the State Department, and since. This April, she announced that she is pregnant. Clinton is due to deliver her first child in the fall, and it’s unclear whether she will resume work with NBC after that. When Clinton joined NBC, many media critics chafed at the network’s decision to employ a former first daughter with no experience in journalism. The New York Post referred to Clinton as “just another spoiled, aimless child of rich, successful parents chauffeured through adulthood by Mommy and Daddy’s connections.” Yet Clinton’s appointment did not mark the first time NBC Universal had hired children of high-ranking politicians. In 2009, it hired George W. Bush’s daughter Jenna Bush Hager to serve as a correspondent on the “Today” show. In 2011, it hired Sen. John McCain’s daughter Meghan McCain as a contributor on MSNBC. The details of Clinton’s deal with NBC have been closely held since she joined the network. |
美国前总统克林顿与前国务卿希拉里的千金切尔西,身为全国广播公司(NBC)的特约记者,虽然很少在节目上露面,但日前却被揭其合约年薪,高达60万美元。美国媒体报道,34岁的切尔西自2011年起加入NBC,虽然上节目的时间不多,但收入非常可观,每分钟可以赚26724美元。 据悉,有消息人士称,近日NBC已经将切尔西的合约由年制转为月制,如果希拉里参选总统,切尔西将会离开NBC。对此,NBC的发言人仅表示该公司将继续和切尔西保持良好的工作关系,拒绝透露现存合约的任何细节。 切尔西在其参与录制的时事杂志节目《洛克菲勒中心》于去年6月停播后,便转做晚间新闻。今年4月,切尔西宣布自己怀孕的消息,将于今年秋季诞下首名孩子,至于她产后是否会恢复记者工作不得而知。 当初NBC决定吸纳毫无新闻报道经验的切尔西成为新员工时,引来媒体批评人士的怒骂。《纽约邮报》更讥讽切尔西是靠父母关系找工作的富二代。 事实上,切尔西并不是NBC雇佣的首位前总统的千金。2009年,小布什的女儿詹纳加入《今日》节目,担任一名记者。 (本文为编译) (译者 holyghost 编辑 丹妮) 扫一扫,关注微博微信