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Citizens can contact lawyers entrusted by the ministry for legal advice and search information about legal aid, mediation and other judicial services at the website "www.12348.gov.cn," according to a ministry press release.
据介绍,中国法律服务网汇聚全国公共法律服务资源,整合38万多家法律服务机构(legal service agencies)和139万多名法律服务人员数据,提供法律事务咨询(legal advice)、法律服务指引(legal service consultation)、法律法规与案例查询(search information about laws and regulations and cases)、信用信息公开(disclosure of credit information)等服务功能。
中国法律服务网的总体架构为“一张网络,两级平台(two platforms in one network)”,由一张网络覆盖全地域、全业务,纵向由部、省两级平台组成,平台之间通过数据共享交换系统实现联通,横向包括门户网站、“掌上12348”微信公众号、移动客户端。
网站的智能法律咨询系统提供24小时在线自助服务,根据公众输入问题,系统自动生成免费的“法律咨询意见书”,目前已实现婚姻问题(marriage issues)、劳动纠纷(labor disputes)、工伤赔偿(work-related injury compensation)等6类案件类型。
下一步司法部将通过法网建设,进一步融合公共法律服务实体、热线和网络三大平台(further integrate the platforms of public legal service units, hotline and websites),科学配置法律服务资源,全面提升公共法律服务能力和水平(improve capability and quality of public legal service)。
依法治国 law-based governance of the country
依法执政 law-based exercise of state power
依法行政 law-based administration of government
依宪治国 governance of the country on the basis of its constitution
法治体系 rule of law system
于法有据 have a legal basis
法治国家、法治政府、法治社会一体建设 a holistic approach to strengthening the rule of law in the country, in its government, and in society
有法可依,有法必依,执法必严,违法必究 ensure that laws are put in place, observed, and strictly enforced and that anyone who violates the law is held to account
科学立法、严格执法、公正司法、全民守法 take a well-conceived approach to law-making, and ensure that law is strictly enforced, justice is administered impartially, and the law is observed by all
(中国日报网英语点津 马文英)
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