Mary Alice: Martha Huber waited her whole life for something to happen to her, something exciting. As a child, she hoped to be kidnapped by a band of pirates. As a teenager, she dreamt of being discovered by a Hollywoodtalent scout. As a young woman, she fantasized that a handsome millionaire wouldsweep her off her feet. But the years had flown by, and still, nothing exciting had ever happened to Martha Huber. Until the night she was murdered.
Paul: Hello, Mrs. Huber.
Martha: Paul!
Paul: Let me give you a hand.
Martha: That's really not necessary.
Paul: I insist.
Mary Alice: In those last moments, it occurred to her, in addition to being boring, life could also be very cruel. Luckily for Mrs. Huber, death was far more merciful.
Officer Jackson: What do you think?
Police chief: That's our missing woman, all right.
Police Chief: Aw,geez, it didn't take the media long toget wind ofthis. Make sure no one contaminates my crime scene.
Officer Jackson: Hey, little lady. A lot of people are looking for you, you know that? Your face is gonna be on the front page of every paper in this state. How's that for exciting?
Mary Alice: Officer Jackson couldn't be sure, but for a brief moment, he thought he saw the corpse of Martha Huber, smile.
Mary Alice: Word of the tragedy would soon spread throughout the neighborhood. But for now, people went about their lives as they always did, blissfully unaware.
Susan: Hello, anybody home?
Mike's voice: In the kitchen.
Susan: Good news. I finished my book, so I thought to celebrate, you could take me out to lunch.
Edie: Hey, Susan.
Mike: Uh, could we do a rain check? Edie and I are just looking over the plans to rebuild her house.
Edie: My insurance company is finallycutting my checknext week, and there's only one plumber I want. So don't expect to see this guy for a few months. I'm gonna be riding him hard.
Susan: Well, if anyone cango the distance, he can. I should know.
本意是“发觉天才的人”,这里意为“(好莱坞)的星探”,例如:I wish that someday a Hollywood scout would discover me.
2. Sweep somebody off his/her feet
意思是“Overwhelm someone emotionally”,例如:With his little gifts and gallant behavior, he swept her off her feet. 同样意思的表达还有:carry / knock off someone's feet.