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The pursuit of happyness《当幸福来敲门》精讲之六
[ 2008-10-29 18:11 ]


影片对白  I came from work, I got my son. I was here on time. We were here on time!


3. glass work

Glass work 指的是an article of something made of glass “玻璃制品,玻璃工艺品”。 The customers recognize the great stained glass work of Daniel意思是“顾客认可Daniel制作的彩色玻璃工艺品”。这里Chris是说他手里的仪器的指示灯不亮了,他需要把它修好。

4. book up

这个片语的意思是“预定”。例如:I could not get even one ticket since all the seats were booked up. 我一张票也弄不到,所有的座位都已预定一空。

5. four spots

这里指教堂收容所还有4个空位。Spot在这里指特定的地点或场所。如:Spain is our favorite holiday spot. 西班牙是我们喜欢的度假地点。On the spot则指在现场。如:Luckily there was a doctor on the spot. 幸运的是现场有一位医生。

6. Break it up!

Break it up 是口语用法,意思是“散开,别吵架了!别打架了!”

7. He sliced in front of him in line.

Slice在此处作动词,意思是make a clean cut through,“抄近路”。Slice in front of him in line指“在排队时加塞到他前面”。Slice最常见的意思是a share of something,作名词,如:a slice of bread就是指“一片面包”。


Glide Memorial Church 格莱德教堂


The pursuit of happyness《当幸福来敲门》精讲之六

Glide Memorial Church is a United Methodist Church in San Francisco, California that opened in 1929. Although conservative until the 1960s, since then it has served as a counter-culture rallying point and has been one of the most prominently liberal churches in the United States. Its contributions to the community have been recognized by such respected figures as Maya Angelou, Oprah Winfrey, and Bill Clinton; as well as Warren Buffett, who famously contributed the value of an auctioned lunch on eBay.

Since the 1960s, Glide Church has provided various services for the poor and disenfranchised. Glide serves three meals daily, amounting to over 750,000 free meals a year. The church also provides AIDS testing, mental and primary health care, women's programs, crisis intervention, an after-school program, creative arts and mentoring for youth, literacy classes, computer training, job skills training, drug and alcohol recovery programs, free legal services for the homeless, housing with case management, and much more.

Visitors from all over the world attend Sunday celebrations, of which music is a prominent part. The Glide Ensemble and Change Band have become an integral part of the Sunday celebration. In May 2007 the ensemble was featured on the national late night show Late night with Conan O'Brian. Every Sunday's celebration is available on CD and DVD from church's website and at the church itself. Revenue from this source helps the church fund its many charitable programs.

Recently, the movie The Pursuit of Happyness starring Will Smith and his son Jaden, depicted the real life rags-to-riches story of Chris Gardner and his son. Once homeless, they turned to Glide's services for support to help them get back on their feet. Cecil Williams and his wife, Janice Mirikitani, the founders of the church's services for over 40 years, can be seen briefly in the movie. (answers.com)


看中文名字,以为是爱情片,看英文名字,明了是励志片。做推销员卖不出去东西,妻子受不了压力而离开,付不起房租被房东赶出,好不容易抓住机会成了股票公司的培训生、却要想方设法在没有薪水的情况下维持自己和儿子的生活,睡过公共厕所,住过收容所……然而所有的苦难终将过去,胜利的那一天终将到来,Chris 终于得到了股票经纪人的工作。后来,他还有了自己的股票经纪公司,成了百万富翁。

若按剧情套路来看,故事的发展没什么出奇的;从名字就可以想到结果,可是在看的时候还是会忍不住热泪盈眶,因为打动人的地方全在细节。比如,Will Smith 和儿子的真情互动:Chris在送儿子去日托的路上,告诉他墙上涂鸦的happyness 拼错了,说“There is no "y" in happiness, There is "i".”这个场景真的是意味深长:幸福没有为什么,幸福只有自己去创造。当Chris付不起房费而被赶出来的时候,父子两人无处可去,在地铁站里,父亲骗儿子他推销那个仪器是时光机器,儿子也很配合地玩游戏;当他们夜宿在地铁厕所内,父亲抱着熟睡的儿子,用背顶着门,生怕被人撞开,手捂着儿子的耳朵,怕儿子被惊醒,脸上两行酸楚的热泪,映着厕所内惨白的墙和惨白的灯光,那一刻只怕是上帝也要流泪的吧!




1. 我们必须在一起。

2. 那是我的位置!

3. 我们是按时到的!

The pursuit of happyness《当幸福来敲门》精讲之五 考考你 参考答案

1. We were all working our way up call sheets to sign clients.


2. After two months, I still didn't have time to work my way up a sheet.


影片对白  I came from work, I got my son. I was here on time. We were here on time!



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