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One flew over the cuckoo's nest《飞越疯人院》精讲之五
[ 2008-12-14 13:21 ]


幕后制作  《飞越疯人院》一片根据坎•凯西(Ken Kesey)1962年的同名畅销小说改编拍摄。小说以疯人院意指美国式的社会体制,反体制意味浓烈。

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Ratched: To answer your question about the dorm, Mr. Scanlon. You know very well that if we left the door open, you'd just go right back to bed after breakfast. Am I right?

Taber: So what?

Cheswick: May I have my cigarettes, please, Miss Ratched?

McMurphy: Forget the cigarettes, Cheswick. Cigarettes are not important. Sit down, will you? For Christ's sake! Cigarettes!

Ratched: Remember, Mr. Scanlon, we've discussed many times that time spent in the company of others is very therapeutic. While time spent brooding alone only increases a feeling of separation. You remember that, don't you?

Fredrickson: Do you mean to say it's sick to want tobe off by yourself?

Cheswick: Miss Ratched?

Ratched: Mr. Cheswick, you sit down!

Cheswick: Yes, but I want to know about...

Ratched: Sit down, Mr. Cheswick.

Cheswick: I want to...

McMurphy: Give him a cigarette, will you, Harding?

Harding: My last one.

McMurphy: That's a fucking lie. Why don't you give him a cigarette?

Harding: Look, I'm not running a charity ward, see? Come on!

Cheswick: I don't want his cigarettes. And I don't want his, or his, or his, or his, or his, or his... Or even yours. Do you understand that? I want my cigarettes, Miss Ratched! I want my cigarettes! I want mine, Miss Ratched! What gives you the damn right to keep our cigarettes piled up on your desk and to squeeze out a pack only when you feel like it, huh? Miss Ratched!

Ratched: Mr. Harding!

Harding: Oh, I'm sorry.

Ratched: You surprise me.

Harding: I lost my head. I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to... I'm really very sorry. I just forgot. I didn't mean to. I'm really very sorry. Just forgot.

Ratched: It's all right.

Cheswick: Miss Ratched!

Ratched: Yes, Mr. Cheswick?

Cheswick: I asked you a question!

Ratched: I heard your question, Mr. Cheswick and I will answer your question as soon as you've calmed down. OK? Are you calm, Mr. Cheswick?

Cheswick: I'm calm.

Ratched: Good. Now, as you all know, Mr. McMurphy has been running a small gambling casino in our tub room. Now, most of you lost all your cigarettes to Mr. McMurphy, not to mention a tidy sum of money to Mr. McMurphy. And that's why your tub room privileges have been suspended and your cigarettes have been rationed. Mr. Martini?

Martini: How are we gonna win our money back?

Ratched: You're not going to win your money back, Mr. Martini. That's all over. If you had obeyed the rulesin the first place, you wouldn't have lost your money.


1. be off

意思是“离开”,比如:I'm off to the races; wish me luck. 我去参加比赛了,祝我好运吧。它还可以表示“be free from work, school, or some other regular occupation”,比如:The secretary is off today, but perhaps I can find it. 秘书今天不上班,但也许我能找到。

2. squeeze out

意思是“挤出”,这里用来形容护士长不轻易给病人香烟,我们来看个例子:Some employees were squeezed out by the recent budget cuts. 最近削减预算,一些人被裁员了。

3. lose one's head

意思是“to become uncontrolled or wildly excited失控或表现得过度兴奋”,比如:When he thought he saw an animal in the underbrush, he lost his head and began shooting recklessly. 当他认为自己看到了草丛中的动物时,他就兴奋起来,开始不顾一切的乱打枪。


幕后制作  《飞越疯人院》一片根据坎•凯西(Ken Kesey)1962年的同名畅销小说改编拍摄。小说以疯人院意指美国式的社会体制,反体制意味浓烈。


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