
英国使馆文化教育处 2012-10-11 15:27



日期:2012年10月26日 至 11月11日





本次活动与英国时装协会(British Fashion Council)在北京举办的“伦敦展室”(LONDONshow ROOMS)作品展遥相呼应,英国时装协会活动于10月30至31日(具体时间待确认)在北京举办,旨在向时尚买家和媒体呈现英国杰出时装设计师的精彩作品。


伦敦,是时尚电影的摇篮。本次英国时尚电影展,旨在对这一历史进行梳理,深入探讨时尚电影的内容及起源,涵盖上个世纪的时尚电影佳作、尼克•奈特(Nick Knight)的先锋作品和时装,以及电影平台展示工作室(SHOWstudio)的创作。同时,还将对过去四年英国时尚电影制片人的崛起之路进行回顾,包括从克里斯托弗•凯恩(Christopher Kane)、加雷斯•皮尤(Gareth Pugh)、卡塞特•帕莱亚(Cassette Playa)等一众前卫设计师,到英伦传统时尚巨匠普林格尔(Pringle)、博柏利(Burberry)。此次展览盛况空前,佳作汇集一堂,更有中国时尚电影制片人特别专访。此外,英国文化协会与英国时装协会携手举办,堪称本次展览的又一大瞩目亮点。


项目启动于2008年,在英国时装协会大使萨拉•迈尔(Sarah Mower)的大力支持下,由安娜•奥尔西尼(Anna Orsini)与芭芭拉•格里斯皮尼(Barbara Grispini)担任英国时装协会联合指导。伦敦展室旨在为英国新晋设计师提供了独特平台,让他们有机会在伦敦以外的世界各地展示个人才华。




她曾为包括理查德•尼考尔(RichardNicoll)、查理•勒•明都(Charlie Le Mindu)、凯蒂•艾瑞(Katie Eary)、Lady Gaga、多米诺唱片公司(Domino Records)在内的诸多时装设计师、音乐人和公司指导过时尚短片。经她之手的影片在MTV、展示工作室、眩目数码网站(Dazed Digital)、Bubblebyte网站、BBC,以及Vogue杂志上无不大放异彩。她的实验短片作品曾在全球各大电影节、比赛和团体展上瞩目亮相,其中包括在英国设计(OneDotZero)、第五十九届柏林电影节(59th Berlinale)、维多利亚和阿尔伯特博物馆、蓬皮杜中心(Pompidou Centre)、ASVOFF巴塞罗那(ASVOFFBarcelona)、BYOB,以及英国国家电影资料馆(BFI)举办的鸟瞰电影节(Birds Eye View Film Festival)中展出。

除制片人身份外,凯瑟琳还以策展人和演讲者著称。她曾策划鸟瞰年度电影节的“时尚爱情电影”系列,展览位于当代艺术中心(Institute of Contemporary Arts)和英国国家电影资料馆,展出时间从2008年持续到2011年。自2011年以来,她开始与英国文化协会以及英国时装协会通力合作,担任新兴的时尚电影策展人。英国文化协会的工作为她带来全新挑战,她经常穿梭世界各地,从萨拉热窝、拉各斯,到卢布尔雅那,到处可见她主持访谈、放映、开设制片研讨会的身影。2012年10月,凯瑟琳将携手英国文化协会,在中国举办一场空前规模的运动影像时尚展,敬请期待。

在英国时尚协会的支持下,凯瑟琳作为策展委员会中的一员,开创了名为Fashion电影的全新季节电影节,电影节将联合伦敦时装周(London Fashion Week)在萨默塞特府(Somerset House)盛大开幕。




包括:奥希•克拉克(Ossie Clark)、碧玛(Biba)、积家(Jaeger)、大卫•贝利(David Bailey),以及薇薇安•威斯特伍德(Vivienne Westwood)


包括:亚历山大•麦昆(Alexander McQueen)、侯赛因•卡拉扬(Hussein Chalayan)、加雷斯•皮尤(预计将有奥希•克拉克早期剧院时尚秀,有待确定)




包括:博柏利、普林格尔、迈宝瑞(Mulberry)、保罗•史密斯(Paul Smith)


包括:艾玛•库克(Emma Cook)、金姆•琼斯(Kim Jones)、贝拉•佛洛伊德(Bella Freud)、安娜•尼科尔•齐舍(Anna–Nicole Ziesche)



包括:Topshop、马丁大夫(Dr Martens)以及密探(Agent Provocateur)


包括:亨利•霍兰德(Henry Holland)、卡塞特•帕莱亚(Cassette Playa) 、加雷斯•皮尤( Gareth Pugh)、露丝•霍格本(Ruth Hogben)、维多利亚•贝克汉姆(Victoria Beckham)、昆廷•琼斯(Quentin Jones)


包括:艺术家朱莉•范霍恩(Julie Verhoeven)、凯特琳娜•杰布(Katerina Jebb)



Fashion Film – China


When: 26 October to 11 November 2012

Venue: Beijing, UCCA

Art form: Design


This exhibition is coordinated with the British Fashion Council’s ‘LONDON show ROOMS’ showcase in Beijing, which exhibits the work of key British fashion designers to buyers and media in Beijing.

London is considered by many to be the birthplace of the fashion film genre. This exhibition takes an extensive and expansive look at the UK fashion film industry, covering its historical beginnings, fashion film work from the last century, pioneering work by Nick Knight and the fashion and film platform SHOW studio, and the explosive output of British fashion film-makers over the last four years. It covers progressive young designers such as Christopher Kane, Gareth Pugh and Cassette Playa through to British heritage giants like Pringle and Burberry.

About the British Fashion Council’s ‘LONDON show ROOMS’ Showcase

Launched in 2008, this project is co-directed by Anna Orsini and Barbara Grispini for the British Fashion Council (BFC) with the support of the BFC’s Ambassador for Emerging Talent, Sarah Mower. LONDON show ROOMS provide a unique opportunity for emerging British designers to promote themselves outside of London. The initiative has grown to include pop-up showrooms for women and men’s wear collections in Paris, New York, Hong Kong and LA with plans now for expansion into mainland China.

About the Exhibition Curator

Belfast-born Kathryn Ferguson is a filmmaker and curator. She has directed short films for fashion designers and musicians including Richard Nicoll, Charlie Le Mindu, Katie Eary, Lady Gaga and Domino Records. These films have been featured on MTV, SHOW studio, Dazed Digital, Bubble Byte, the BBC and in Vogue. Her experimental film work has been selected for film festivals, screenings and group shows around the world such as OneDotZero, the 59th Berlinale, the V&A, the Pompidou Centre, ASVOFF Barcelona, BYOB and Bird’s Eye View Film Festival at the British Film Institute.

As well as her own film-making practice, Kathryn also works as a curator and lecturer. She began curating the annual Bird’s Eye View Film Festival’s ‘Fashion Loves Film’ strand at the Institute of Contemporary Arts and the British Film Institute in 2008 where it continued until 2011. Since 2011, she has been working with the British Council and The British Fashion Council as a curator specialising in the emerging genre of fashion film. Her work with the British Council has taken her around the world to cities such as Sarajevo, Lagos and Ljubljana to give talks, present screenings, and host film-making workshops. Throughout 2012, Kathryn is working with the British Council curating an extensive moving image and fashion exhibition that is opening in China this October.

In her work with the BFC, she has joined a curatorial panel creating a new seasonal film festival called Fashion Film. The festival will take place at Somerset House in conjunction with London Fashion Week.

Exhibition Overview

The exhibition is organised in seven sections within separate rooms or individually designed areas within one large space. The seven sections are as follows:

Section 1 – Early cinema experiments with Fashion & Moving Image from the 1960s to the 1990s

Examples: Ossie Clark, Biba, Jaeger, David Bailey and Vivienne Westwood

Section 2 – Catwalk, Theatre and Spectacle: Catwalk films

Examples: Alexander McQueen, Hussein Chalayan, Gareth Pugh

Section 3 – SHOWstudio – A specially curated section looking chronologically at the work created for the platform from the year 2000 until today

Section 4 –Heritage:Burberry, Pringle, Barbour, Mulberry, Paul Smith

Section 5a – Pre-Internet Age – Designers experimenting with moving images before 1998 until 2008

Examples: Emma Cook, Kim Jones, Bella Freud, Anna-Nicole Ziesche

Section 5b– Fashion Film for the Internet Age (2008-2012)

Subsection A– High-end High Street/ Commercial

Examples: Topshop, Dr Martens and Agent Provocateur

Subsection B–Fashion Designer showcasing films (2008-2012)

Henry Holland, Cassette Playa, Gareth Pugh, Ruth Hogben, Victoria Beckham, Quentin Jones

Subsection C–Art vs. Commerce – Fashion as Art

Examples: Artists Julie Verhoeven, Katerina Jebb

Section 6 –Technology – Future of Fashion Film

Examples: Post Magazine for the iPad, Cassette Playa’s augmented reality presentations, McQueen’s Kate Moss hologram

(中国日报网英语点津 Helen 编辑)



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