Market research firm Nielsen's China Consumer Landscape Shifts report, released in May last year, showed that local brands are becoming more active than multinational brands in several FMCG categories, such as functional drinks, toners, skin moisturizers, packaged water and toothpaste.
“快速消费品”的英文表达就是fast-moving consumer goods,缩写形式为FMCG。化妆品也是一种快速消费品。欧莱雅表示,今后它将集中精力发展两个主要品牌:beauty brand(美容品牌)巴黎欧莱雅和makeup brand(化妆品品牌)美宝莲纽约。
卡尼尔作为欧莱雅的low-end brand(低端品牌),主要面向mass skin care market(大众护肤品市场),价格也比较亲民。尽管卡尼尔had its day in the sun(曾经如日中天),但近几年利润却不断下滑。近年来百雀羚、相宜本草等国产化妆品牌崛起,使得fair-price skincare products(平价化妆品)的市场竞争更加激烈。
(中国日报网英语点津 陈丹妮)