Reader's question: Could you explain “get up to speed on something”? My comments:
"Up to speed" means be fully informed of or up to date on something. Examples: I'm not up to speed on these issues yet. Following the private meeting, the board is now up to speed on the investigation. It's used when you are talking about someone being not caught up on something and getting them "up to speed," meaning to help them catch up. The source could be machinery-related. Many examples refer to a machine being brought up to operating speed: a boat, a car or a film camera. But the origin may not be mechanical but a person or animal that was performing at its best rate. From 1879: "The mare was shown and her qualities and record were expatiated on. She looked decent and up to speed." Related stories: Truth lies somewhere in the middle 本文仅代表作者本人观点,与本网立场无关。欢迎大家讨论学术问题,尊重他人,禁止人身攻击和发布一切违反国家现行法律法规的内容。 About the author: Nelly Min is a journalist at the China Daily website. | |