Nelly Min
Reader's question:
The National Retail Federation expects nearly 140 million shoppers will shop at stores in the United States over the weekend. That's four million more than last year - the strongest showing since 2006.Industry analyst Marshal Cohen attributes higher turnout to what he calls frugality fatigue.
Could you explain "frugality fatigue"?
My comments:
"Frugality fatigue" is mental exhaustion caused by constant frugality during hard economic times. It is the idea that we’re getting worn down and stressed out by constantly watching our budgets. Consumers are getting tired of not buying anything.
Prolonged state of frugality fatigue can lead to the "urge to splurge," some say.
Stare in the face
Call balls and strikes
Cyber Monday
Stare in the face
With a grain of salt
Out of nowhere
Shove it under the carpet
the sky is the limit
hit it off
get my rib in my heart
With bells on
No harm, no foul
Pick up the slack
length and breadth of
get up to speed on something
Borrowed time
On a shoestring
Shake a leg
Sing to a new tune
Truth lies somewhere in the middle
For all intents and purposes
Kick sth.when it's down
Opening credits
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About the author:
Nelly Min is a journalist at the China Daily website. |