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3. 首付贷
down payment loan
Given the jump in home prices in first-tier cities in recent months, the so-called "down payment loans" are in great demand. Property agencies and P2P platforms have become a driving force by offering loans for down payments, though some real estate agencies in Beijing and Shanghai were recently forced by regulators to stop the practice.
面对高烧不退的房价,一些投机者(speculator)和刚需购房人群(home buyers of rigid demand)加快入场。部分房产中介(real estate brokerage)和互联网金融平台(e-finance platform)开始为资金短缺的购房者提供贷款以供他们支付首付(provide loans to their clients to cover down payments)。一些首付贷的利息高达13个点,还款期为3到12个月不等(have an interest rate of 13 percent with repayment terms that range from three to 12 months)。
专家称,这种形式的贷款降低了购房者的资金门槛(make it easier for buyers to purchase property),但同时也给国内房地产市场增加了额外了风险杠杆(add the risk of additional leverage to the domestic real estate market),因此,金融监管机构必然会推出举措(roll out rules),打击发放贷款作为房屋贷款首付的行为。9日,全国政协委员、央行副行长潘功胜在政协小组讨论会上表示,央行将禁止不具备资质(without relevant licenses)的房产中介机构和开发商提供金融服务(run financing services)。
抵押贷款 mortgage lending
最低首付 minimum down payment
首次购房者 first-time homebuyer
改善购房者 upgrader
供需不平衡 supply-demand imbalance
火上浇油 add fuel to the flame
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