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Darin Zanyar: What If

[ 2011-10-10 09:13]     字号 [] [] []  
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我听之我见:这首《What If》来自瑞典歌手Darin Zanyar(达林·赞雅)的第四张专辑《Flashback》,以往总是以青春无敌的形象来示人的他,在这张专辑中多了些许沉稳和感伤。然而,也许正是他的这一转变,让我们对歌曲所要表达的含义有了更透彻的深思——反对暴力,反对伤害,以平等、爱人的心对待所有。深沉的嗓音,忧伤的曲调,不禁发人深省,把这一主题表达的淋漓尽致!


Darin Zanyar: What If

Just imagine how you feel

If you would be the one they're picking on

Would you would you be the who's gonna stand up strong


Would you let us lie break down and cry, oh

Darin Zanyar: What If

Would you would you would you

Never let nobody step on your right

What if it was your brother sister mother father child

Then would it still be cool

Why can't you see your words are hurting

Everybody deserves to be themselves and no one else

So think before you move

What about if that was you

That would the victim of the critisism and they treated you that cruel

What about if that was you

That would be bullied (bullied)

How would you feel if they were doing it to you

What about if that was you

How would you would you would you feel


How would you would you would you feel

If they were doing it to you

Just imagine how you would feel

If everybody always laughed at you

Would you would you would you

They think it's okey with me and you

If you were me

And the people 'round you were having you down now

Would you would you would you

Like if they did that to you

Darin Zanyar: What If中文歌词

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