When do British people give each other presents? What kind of presents are appropriate? Should you tell people what to buy you? Buying and giving presents can be complicated and not everyone agrees what you should do. Jo Reffin guides you through the minefield.
英国人之间什么时候会互相送礼呢?什么样的礼物送英国人合适呢?是不是应该事先告诉对方你想要什么礼物?购买礼物有的时候是件很复杂的事情,而且每个人在这方面都有自己的主张。Jo Reffin在本期节目中为大家答疑解惑。
7 The Gardens of Britain 英国的大花园
The British are well known for their gardens. In this programme, John Escolme and Oliver Zheng are out and about in a large public garden, one of Britain’s finest, the Garden at Chatsworth House. Listen and find out more!
英国的花园世界驰名。在本期节目中,John Escolme和郑贵东一同来到了英国的一座巨大的、也是英国最优美的公共花园之一,就是查兹沃斯庄园花园。
8 Internet Dating 网络约会
Many people use internet dating websites to meet new people. But if you are going to do this, what are the issues you need to be aware of? Vicki Sullivan and Chen Li find out how people can be safe online and whether it is possible to meet a future partner or friend through these websites.
现在很多人都利用专门的鹊桥网站来认识新朋友。如果你也想这样做的话,有什么需要注意的事项吗?Vicki Sullivan和陈鹂在本期节目中为大家介绍如何保障网上安全,以及通过网站来结识朋友和寻找未来伴侣的可能性。
9 Relationships 情侣关系
How do relationships change from the ‘buzz’ of a new relationship, to the longer-lasting companionship of a marriage? John Escolme and Jean Dong hear from two couples at different stages of their marriages; and learn what the difficult stages of relationships are, from two women who advise couples going through problems.
一段感情如何从一开始的新鲜刺激演化到长久稳定的婚姻?John Escolme和董征在本期节目中采访了两对处在不同婚姻阶段的夫妻,并从两位女性婚姻咨询专家那里来了解一段感情当中会出现的一些艰难阶段。
10 Size Zero 身材零号
Recently there has been a huge debate on whether the UK should ban size zero models from the catwalk. Size zero is an American women's clothing size (measuring 80cm chest, 60cm waist and 86cm hips) which many think encourages a 'culture of thinness' among young women. Listen to this programme to find out more.