Exit poll?
After each person comes out of polling station, having cast their votes, pollsters ask him or her who they have voted for.
Rust belt?
The rust belt refers to an old industrial base where the conveyor belt and assembly lines have been abandoned and laid to waste.
Echo chamber?
The echo chamber in politics refers to a group of people who share the same political views.
Live in the now?
When you live in the now, you have little sense of time, the past or the future.
Sleeping giant?
To say someone is a sleeping giant is to suggest this someone is big and strong, much stronger than any ordinary person is.
Strong-arming tactics?
It refers to the use of force, sheer force and brutal force to get one's way instead of using good reason, persuasion and via cooperation.
Tone deaf?
When people are accused of being tone deaf, they're said to be insensitive in one way or another, lacking empathy.
Hot button remarks?
Things like "hot button issues" mean issues that are emotionally charged, that make people angry and riled up.
Dog whistle politics
Dog whistle politics essentially refers to a form of politician’s rant that’s aimed at a particular audience.
Local democracy bites the dust
When local democracy is described as biting the dust, it means the democracy is all but dead at the local level.
Stop on a dime?
To say a person can stop and turn on a dime, it means he is really nimble and agile.
Social fabric?
Social fabric refers to the basic structures of society, especially people-to-people relationships.
Con artist?
Con artists have elevated their con game to an art form.
Hit the hay?
“Hit the hay” is an American idiom for going to bed, going to sleep.