Pole position?
Ronaldo being in pole position is a metaphor implying that currently he is in front of the competition.
Riding the pine?
Riding the pine is a sports term for someone sitting on the bench instead of playing.
She wears every thought and emotion on her sleeve
To say that she wears her thoughts and emotions on her sleeve is to say she shows her thoughts and emotions easily.
Rat rate?
If your life involves a lot of competition and a hectic schedule, you’re in a rat race.
Come out?
The question we’re interested in is why “coming out” stands for people revealing their homosexual status, or secrets.
Charm offensive?
What does it mean when they say someone goes on a “charm offensive”?
Head and shoulders?
Bobby Jindal's tax plan is head and shoulders better than Donald Trump's. Why “head and shoulders”?
Beg to differ?
Beg to differ literally means we beg your pardon; we want to express a different opinion.
A card-carrying member?
If someone is described as a card carrying member of a certain political party he is considered as a devoted member.
Benefit of the doubt
“I didn't believe him but I still gave him the benefit of the doubt.” What does “benefit of the doubt” mean exactly?
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Blind faith
You have total trust and confidence in someone or something without evidence or reason.
Stuff happens
"Stuff happens" is a saying you use when something bad happens and for no particular good reason.
Cheat sheet?
A cheat sheet is a note you prepare for a test, a television interview, etc, that helps you get the facts right.
Blow by blow?
Blow by blow, therefore, means hit after hit, one strike after another.