Children are not cookie cutters
When someone says children are not cookie cutters, meaning they are not the same – each cute and lovely, though, in their own way.
Right side of history?
If you do something to advance matters in this direction, then you’re on the right side of history.
High wire act
A high-wire act is a balancing act that is difficult and fraught with dangers and problems.
We just got our head handed to us
To say you’ve got your head handed to you is one way of saying that you suffered a total defeat.
Theater of the absurd?
If someone says something is in the theater of the absurd, they just mean to say it’s absurd.
Old saw?
The “saw” refers to an old saying, or a wise statement or observation.
Gold dust
If someone say something is like gold dust to them, it's something they treasure and relish.
Pants are on fire
The phrase “pants on fire” is just another cry out on a big liar.
What is an entrenched issue?
It refers to a problem that’s been there for a long time and is probably not going to completely go away any time soon.
Political mumbo-jumbo
Political mumble-jumble, then, refers to a seasoned politician’s empty talk.
Good Samaritan
Samaritan is someone who helps others out of compassion and not for any particular selfish reason.
At the water’s edge?
By letting politics stop at the water’s edge literally means stopping playing politics when it comes to dealing with other nations, across the seas.
Bell cow?
Bell cows are mostly used in sporting circles, referring to the best players on a team.
A bucket list goal?
If a goal is a “bucket list” goal, then it is a life-long pursuit. It is something people want to do before they die.
Golden rule?
A golden rule, then, is such a valuable principle (rule) that you at no time want to violate it.