On the slippery slope?
On the slippery slope means it's a bad or dangerous idea
Chased by the smart money?
The smart money refers to the money from the smart people, wise investors, that is.
Playing hardball?
Hardball is another name for the adult male version of baseball.
Walking a tight rope?
She finds a lot of conflict between working and bringing up kids at home.
False move?
A false move is a move that you did not intend to make.
Win the day?
“Win the day” is a set phrase, meaning someone wins in the end.
One-trick pony?
Literally, a one-trick pony is a small horse that has just one trick, or skill.
Fall on his face?
Fall on the face is a metaphor for making mistakes, often in a dramatic, even embarrassing fashion.
Soul searching
Soul-searching means a close examination of one's heart before making a decision.
Proof is in the pudding
The full expression is the proof of the pudding is in its eating, an American expression, to be sure, judging from its simplicity.
True to form
First of all, true to form simply means as expected. In other words, there’s nothing unusual.
Far cry?
It’s a significant step in the right direction, but still far from ideal.
Out and out?
“Out and out” is a British slang that means thorough and complete.
Wenger’s red herrings?
Arsène Wenger’s red herrings refer to a few of his misleading theories about his team’s worsening defense.
Gilded Age levels?
To gild, as in the phrase gilding the lily, is to cover it with a thin layer of gold or something that looks like gold.