Fallen angel?
Fallen angels are companies whose stocks are low in price temporarily.
Low maintenance?
low maintenance means you don't have to do a lot to keep it in good condition.
Buzzard's luck?
Buzzard comes to be synonymous to bad luck, especially bad luck involving player injuries.
In the back of his head?
This project has been in the back of my head for some time.
Ground rules?
Ground rules regard how things are run in general, in all walks of life.
Free lunch?
No free lunch in the online world.
White elephant
A white elephant is even worse.
A straight shooter with everyone
A straight shooter is someone who shoots straight, so to speak.
Are magazines dead wood?
Yes, it tries to argue that magazines as we know them have no future in the age of the Internet and digital publishing.
Mind over matter
Have you ever heard someone say “Back pain starts at the brain”?
Black and white?
To say that Victoria sees everything in black and white is to say that to her, everything is clear cut, either good or bad.
Hot water?
If you’re in metaphorical hot water, you’ve done something controversial, something bothersome or troubling.
Totally out of his depth?
Totally out of his depth means he’s not up to the task. He cannot do the job
Snake oil hard sells?
The snake oils salesman exaggerates the magic wonders of his goods.
On the slippery slope?
On the slippery slope means it's a bad or dangerous idea