Ready to “Bang” Your English?
Like attracts like?
Essentially it means if you think positive thoughts you will get positive results.
Zombie company?
The so-called zombies are kept alive by the government due to stability or other concerns.
Trickle-down economics?
Trickle-down economics is the economic theory that if you help people at the top, their investment into new businesses eventually will benefit people on the bottom ladders of the economy.
New normal?
The new normal describes any new changes in society, especially in the economy and politics.
Button down corporate culture?
A button-down corporate culture refers to the business environment of a company that is highly organized, serious and competitive.
Middle ground?
By taking or playing the middle ground, you're trying to seek an agreement rather than a prolonged conflict.
Father Time is undefeated
When they say “Father Time is undefeated”, what does it mean?
Looking the other way?
To look the other way is to refuse to look at a problem directly and tackle it head on.
Hard yards?
When they say so-and-so's “hard yards go unrewarded”, what does it mean?
Off base?
When they criticize someone for “making some totally off base remark”, what does it mean?
Mount Rushmore?
LeBron James says that he will eventually be on the NBA’s Mount Rushmore, what does it mean?
玛丽苏,即Mary Sue的音译,1973年诞生于国外的同人小说(fan fiction)圈。