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The Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority is currently considering whether donors can be paid for their services(dailymail.co.uk) |
Women looking for a sperm donor often make the daddy of all choices based on limited physical details such as the man's height or hair colour. But mothers-to-be will soon be able to pick the father of their child from a catalogue listing his personality traits, interests and even fashion sense - all from the comfort of their own home. The online brochure is being compiled by the London Sperm Bank for infertile couples and single and lesbian women. It includes written statements from each man on why he is donating, plus staff assessments of what he is like. One donor is described by the clinic as 'softly spoken, introspective, deep thinking' and with a 'neat, relaxed style'. Another is: 'Very individualistic, quirky and artistic in nature. He has a unique “rock star image” in terms of appearance but not at all in lifestyle or confidence.' It goes on: 'Shy but if prompted will talk passionately about subjects that matter to him, namely art, music and photography.' A sperm bank spokesman explained that women will not have to go to the clinic to pick their man. 'They can access the catalogue from home and make their choices online,' she said. By law, clinics are not required to give personal details about donors - and must not provide any information that will identify the men. Several banks do offer lists of basic physical traits, and some give occupations and hobbies. (Read by Lee Hannon. Lee Hannon is a journalist at the China Daily Website.) (Agencies)
女性在寻找捐精者时总是根据候选人有限的外貌特征来做决定,比如身高或者头发的颜色。 但准妈妈们很快就能足不出户为孩子挑选爸爸了。伦敦精子库将在捐精者名册中公布捐精者的性格特征、兴趣爱好,乃至时尚品味等信息。 该在线手册由伦敦精子库编辑整理,适用于不育夫妇、单亲妈妈,及女同性恋。 每位捐献者都在手册内附有一份书面声明,上面有捐献缘由,及工作人员对他的评价。 一位捐献者被门诊医生描述为“讲话温柔、性格内敛、善于思考”,给人“整洁、无拘无束的感觉”。 另一位捐献者则被描述为,“个人主义、行为古怪、有艺术天赋”,长相独特,像“摇滚巨星”,但生活方式和自信心方面一点都不像。 另外,此人“性格腼腆,但受到鼓励后会对自己感兴趣的话题高谈阔论,比如艺术、音乐、和摄影”。 精子库的一位发言人解释说,女性不必再到医院去挑选捐献者。她说:“她们可以在家查阅捐献者名单,在线挑选。” 按法律规定,医院不允许公布精子捐献者的个人信息,也不允许泄露任何与身份相关的信息。而几家精子库公开了捐献者的外貌特征,有些还提供了职业信息和兴趣爱好。 相关阅读 (中国日报网英语点津 实习生史莉萍 编辑:Julie) |
Vocabulary: lesbian: a female homosexual(女同性恋) introspective: 自省的,内省的 quirky: having or full of quirks(古怪的,怪异的) |