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Computer to prioritize patients according to their medical needs. |
Computer to prioritize patients according to their medical needs The top health authority is set to issue a regulation ordering mandatory use of a computerized organ allocation system by hospitals in a bid to ensure transparent and fair allocation of organ donations, according to a senior official. Huang Jiefu, former vice-minister of health, told China Daily in an exclusive interview that the regulation will enhance the efficiency of organ sharing and save more needy patients' lives. Huang, head of the organ transplant committee of the National Health and Family Planning Commission, made the comments in response to concerns over fairness after reports said that only one-third of the nation's public organ donations had been allocated by the system. "Organ allocation is in fact life allocation, and people won't donate without fair practices," he said. Wang Haibo, director of the China Organ Transplant Response System Research Center at the University of Hong Kong, said the policy was developed after research based on dozens of countries' allocation policies and several discussions with Chinese experts and officials. "We are looking forward to the coming regulation being forceful and strong enough to better supervise donated organ procurement and allocation," he said. The computerized allocation system will automatically rank all waiting patients according to medical factors like disease severity, waiting time and distance from donors, then quickly single out the best recipient. "All out-of-system allocations will be banned, and hospitals caught with irregularities will face punishment including suspension from practice or even license revocation," he noted. Wang was on the national organ donation expert committee that drafted the regulation. China has so far realized at least 700 public organ donations from the deceased, according to Gao Xinpu, a division director of the National Organ Donation Management Center under the Red Cross Society of China. The Red Cross and the National Health and Family Planning Commission operate a national organ donation system to facilitate organ donations after death and to ease a serious shortage of organs for transplant. Gao said equipment limitations and poor awareness were the main reasons that only one-third of donations were allocated by the system. However, the other two-thirds were allocated according to similar principles, he pointed out. According to Gao, hospitals that detect donors and obtain donations are now favored during the allocation.
前卫生部(现卫生与计划生育委员会)副部长黄洁夫日前在接受中国日报采访时透露,卫生行政部门将推行新政,强制要求各移植医院使用统一的器官分配系统,以保证移植用器官分配的公开,公平,和公正。 这套分配系统是一个自动化计算机系统,严格遵循国家分配政策。诸如病人病情,和捐献者的距离远近,病人等待时间等因素都被纳入分配考量。 据统计,经分配系统进行分配,从录入供者信息后触发分配,到器官真正被分配到等待者身上,整个分配过程平均用时26分钟,其中匹配环节的平均时间仅为0.96秒。整个过程完全排除了人为干扰。 黄洁夫表示,器官的分配其实是生命的分配。没有公正的分配,就没有公民的器官捐献。 据他介绍,卫生和计划生育委员会正在酝酿出台器官分配与获取管理办法,拟强制要求所有捐献器官进入中国器官分配与共享系统,按照病情缓急、地域远近、年龄老幼等国家捐献器官分配原则,在全国器官移植的登记等待患者中,进行公平的自动分配。 “这一新规对于确保国家分配政策的实施和公正的器官分配,提高捐献器官的使用效率,挽救更多亟待器官移植病人的生命,十分重要,”黄说。 反观目前的现实,我国已实施人体器官捐献超过700例,仅1/3捐献器官进入中国器官分配与共享系统中进行分配。这一数字是中国人体器官捐献管理中心业务部副部长高新谱向媒体透露的。 早在2011年,卫生部就发布了关于器官分配和共享的相关政策,“但更多的是在技术层面,”这一系统的设计者、香港大学外科学系研究主任王海波说。 据他介绍,这一政策在出台是相关专家学者长期研讨的结果,它参考了别国先进经验,有390多页。而政策的实现,必须依靠统一的分配系统。 他说:“我们期待这一强制性措施的出台来确保系统发挥作用,保证共平的器官分配”。 在这一政策下,医院如被发现进行了系统外的器官分配将面临包括停业甚或移植资质被取消的处罚。 截止目前,中国已实施至少700例的公民身后自愿器官捐献。为了缓解捐献器官的紧缺,中国红十字会和卫生部在三年前共创建了公民器官捐献系统。 据高新谱介绍,之所以只有三分之一的捐献经由系统进行分配,这主要是因为客观条件限制和相关从业人员意识不足。 但是他同时指出,虽然没有经由系统分配,其余的器官分配也遵循了同样的分配原则并且要在之后接受器官捐献管理中心的审核。