In February 2010 the South Korean government launched a new immigration policy: Immediate families of those who invest US$500,000 buying property in Jeju Island are eligible for permanent residency after 5 years; and enjoy the same medical treatment, education and employment as South Korean citizens.
韩国的Jeju Island(济州岛)之所以赢得中国投资者的青睐,一方面是因为这一新移民政策,另一方面也是因为济州岛房价和中国国内的first-tier cities(一线城市)、欧美国家的房价相比要低得多,而且空气气候优良,另外一大优势就是geographically close to China(地理位置邻近中国)。
不过,中国投资人在济州岛的居住率很低,大多只是到岛上来度假。在中国国内,由于real estate speculator(炒房者)众多,导致一些城市的housing vacancy rate(房屋空置率)很高。
(中国日报网英语点津 陈丹妮)