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Profile: Xi Jinping: Pursuing dream for 1.3 billion Chinese
DOWN-TO-EARTH STYLE While working in localities, Xi often cited an ancient poem written by Yang Wanli of the Southern Song Dynasty (1127-1279) to prepare himself for the hardship ahead: "Don't say downhill no obstacles before you lie, Misleading wayfarers to be happy and gay! You are surrounded by ten thousand mountains high: One mountain lets you pass, another bars your way." While China speeds toward completing the construction of a moderately prosperous society in all respects, his sense of hardship remains with him as Xi sees the following challenges: -- How can the government turn the people's aspirations for a wonderful life into concrete measures and administer the country properly? -- Since deepening reform and opening up has become a national consensus, how should the government go further in reform? -- Since it is a solemn pledge of the CPC to keep officials, the government and politics upright, clean and free from corruption, how can the CPC strengthen supervision and guard against corruption in practice? Xi has resurrected a slogan that started to be used 20 years ago in the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone, where a series of breakthroughs in the country's reform and opening up drive were made. "Empty talk is harmful to the nation, while practical jobs can help it thrive," he said, encouraging the CPC and the people to be practical, deal with concrete matters and turn visions into reality. Xi has been seen as a leader with firm beliefs, strategic vision, a sense of hardship and a pragmatic style after coming up with the concept of the "Chinese dream" and vowing to deepen reform and opening up, ordering officials to reduce extravagance and taking drastic measures to crack down on corruption. Xi presided over meetings of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee that resulted in the issuance of explicit requirements on how Political Bureau members should improve their work style in eight aspects, including rejecting extravagance, formalism and bureaucratism. "We must start with specific things and ensure their implementation," he said. The Political Bureau took the lead in setting an example, followed by CPC and government departments at all levels. Many officials said they have been under great pressure after the implementation of the rules. "Work styles are not a trifling thing. If we do not resolutely correct poor working styles, they will separate the CPC from the masses like an invisible wall. The CPC will lose the root of its power like a man losing his blood," Xi said at one meeting. He emphasized that the eight provisions are not the highest standards, but the first step for the CPC to improve its work style. Xi has set an example through his own deeds. When making inspections, he required no road closures in order to minimize disturbance to local residents. When he arrived, there was no welcoming pomp and receptions were reduced to simplicity. Security personnel and escorts were kept to a minimum in order for him to learn the real situation. He also asked local governments not to rehearse visits or stage fake inspections to flatter higher authorities. He turned down suggestions for him to stay at a better hotel when he inspected Fuping County in Hebei Province in late December. "Do not make a fuss over where to stay," he said, "it's all right." The public has noticed that conferences were cut short and officials were accompanied by fewer people. Business has declined at posh restaurants, as more officials are being thrifty and the idea of living a simple life is winning public support. He has vowed to stop using public money in excessive spending and penalize violators in this regard. "We are closer than in any other time of history to the goal of rejuvenating the Chinese nation. We are more confident and capable of achieving this goal than in any other period of history," Xi said. |
风格——“在求实、务实、落实上下功夫” “莫言下岭便无难,赚得行人错喜欢。正入万山圈子里,一山放出一山拦。”在地方工作时,习近平常引用南宋诗人杨万里这首诗,提醒自己“常怀忧患之思”。 全面建成小康社会进入倒计时,怎样把人民对美好生活的向往转化为治国理政的具体措施?深化改革开放已成为举国上下最大共识,如何进一步深化改革?干部清正、政府清廉、政治清明是中国共产党的庄严承诺,强化监督、拒腐防变怎样才能落到实处? 从阐述中国梦到宣示深化改革开放,从厉行节约到重拳反腐,外界看到了一个具有坚定信念、战略眼光、忧患意识和务实作风的领导人形象。 20年前,深圳曾用“空谈误国,实干兴邦”激励经济特区人加快发展,创造了深圳速度。现在,习近平以“空谈误国,实干兴邦”激励全党全国人民以实干托举中国梦。他反复强调,要在求实、务实、落实上下功夫。 他说,全面建成小康社会要靠实干,基本实现现代化要靠实干,实现中华民族伟大复兴要靠实干。领导干部要坚定理想信念,保持奋发有为的精神状态,提高推动科学发展能力,切实改进作风,脚踏实地创造新的更大的业绩。 他主持中共中央政治局会议,议定改进工作作风、密切联系群众的八项规定。八项规定及其实施细则十分具体,习近平说,“就是要从具体事抓起,才能落到实处。”中共中央政治局首先做起,各级党政部门、各级领导干部迅速跟进。 2012年12月下旬,经习近平批准,《中央军委加强自身作风建设十项规定》下发全军,其中在接待工作中“不喝酒”的要求令人印象深刻,被形象地称为“禁酒令”。 “工作作风上的问题绝对不是小事,如果不坚决纠正不良风气,任其发展下去,就会像一座无形的墙把我们党和人民群众隔开,我们党就会失去根基、失去血脉、失去力量。”在中共十八届中央纪委二次全会上,习近平强调指出,八项规定既不是最高标准,更不是最终目的,只是我们改进作风的第一步。 “踏石留印、抓铁有痕”整顿党风政风的决心和举措,令党内党外、举国上下为之一振。 “其身正,不令而行。”习近平率先垂范,以身作则正官风,要求别人做到的自己首先做到。他外出考察时,要求不封路、少扰民,轻车简从、简化接待,减少陪同、减少警卫,见真群众、摸真情况。他要求地方不能“导演”,不搞“培训”,不能为考察添置哪怕一个新板凳,绝不允许弄虚作假。他要求改进新闻报道,进一步压缩报道的数量、字数、时长。 ——由于减少陪同车辆,他乘坐的中巴车常常都是座无虚席。有一次,另一辆车的人员误上了他的车,最后上来的一位工作人员只好“猫”着腰站到下一站。 ——在深圳莲花山公园瞻仰邓小平塑像时,按照他的要求,景区不封园、不安检。莲花山上,游人如织。他乘坐的中巴车悄然而至,习近平下车后,与市民相伴而行,边走边与沿途的群众握手、交流。 ——在河北阜平考察时,他跟陪同人员、工作人员在一起,吃同样简单的饭菜。他住的是县招待所的一个小套间,只有16平米,家具陈旧,卫生间磁砖开裂。当地人员歉意地说,本来是可以安排在附近一家条件好一些的旅馆的。他笑着说,这样就挺好,不必讲究。 ——他会见美国前总统卡特后,新华社发布的消息比一条微博(140字)还短。 针对社会上普遍存在的餐饮浪费等各种浪费行为,特别是公款浪费行为,习近平在新华社一份《网民呼吁遏制餐饮环节“舌尖上的浪费”》的材料上作出批示,要求党政领导干部带头狠刹浪费之风。党风带动民风。全国上下掀起了勤俭节约之风,大吃大喝减少了,高档餐馆门前冷清了,抵制“舌尖上的浪费”成为“热词”,吃饭打包、杜绝剩饭的“光盘行动”渐然成风,蛇年春节成了最节俭的春节之一——“习总书记都吃自助了,你千万别浪费”……一时间,厉行节约、反对浪费成为一种时尚。 为防止走过场、一阵风,习近平再次作出指示,要求各项后续工作要跟进,抓住制度建设这个重点,以刚性的制度约束、严格的制度执行、强有力的监督检查、严厉的惩戒机制,切实遏制公款消费中的各种违规违纪违法现象。 中国梦,如今渐行渐近。正如习近平所说,“我们比历史上任何时期都更接近中华民族伟大复兴的目标,比历史上任何时期都更有信心、有能力实现这个目标。”
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